Car Thief

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Abandon and Peter looked on as a thief began trying to break into numerous cars, trying to find anything valuable to steal. Peter looked down to Abandon who just pressed his underbelly against the ground, showing that he was ready for action.

Peter meandered toward a car that he knew that the thief would take a serious interest in. He easily unlocked it with his web before he and Abandon leaped into the back of the car. They held their breath before the car thief broke in, shaking in excitement.

"You know if you're going to steal a car don't dress like a car thief," Peter suggested from the backseat.

The car thief turned and gasped at seeing Peter and Abandon. "I think someone is scared out of their fur," chuckled Abandon as he stretched a paw forward and showed his metal talons.

The man tried to get out but Peter used his web to seal it shut. The man freaked and rolled down the window leaping out. Abandon's eyes lit in amusement before he soared out the sunroof with Peter following.

"Where are you," asked the car thief as he looked around madly with terror in his eyes.

Abandon snaked behind him before he darted forward and thrust a wing against his legs. The man was thrown into the sky before he came down hard on his rump, looking around for Abandon. Abandon had snaked back into the darkness, using it as cover. However he knew he had to hurry up since he had promised that he'd meet Zorum soon.

Peter suddenly stepped from the darkness and the thief's eyes widened. "Are you a cop," asked the man.

Peter looked around. "Yes because when is the last time you saw the NYPD dressed like this," he asked before he pointed to Abandon. "With an eagle wolf as a sidekick."

Abandon clicked his teeth together threateningly and it made the thief shudder. "Yeah and this sidekick is getting hungry." Saliva dripped from his fangs and onto the ground as the thief suddenly turned and ran.

Peter shot a web and his hand connected with the wall. He couldn't move it no matter what he did. The thief drew a nice but before he could use it Abandon flew forward and used his talons to flick the knife from the man's hand. The man looked up and thrashed around even more, swearing and yelling.

Peter used another web to hold his feet down and his other hand. He then sprayed some in his face. He cut two holes for his nose before he looked at his wrist, looking for the tattoo. There was nothing and he sighed.

"Maybe next time," offered Abandon as he swayed his tail. "Now we have better things to do."

Peter had to admit he was right but he heard the roar of the NYPD. "We have to go," hissed Abandon as his fur bristled. "They may find us!"

"So," asked Peter, actually ready to have someone thank him for what he'd been doing to protect people. "Let them come."

Abandon rolled his eyes before he saw bright light shine on his white chest fur. He looked up and saw a man looking at both Peter and Abandon. "Who are you," he asked in a demanding voice.

"I guess no one understands the point of a mask," joked Peter to Abandon before he pointed to the man. "We stopped a car thief."

Abandon scented one of the men and growled as he scented the usual tang of a cigarette. "Control your mutt or I'll shoot," warned the cop.

Peter looked down to Abandon who snarled and thrashed his head around madly. He shook his head. "I don't think I can do that while this man is still here on the wall."

Suddenly the officer fired. Peter dodged the bullets before Abandon darted to the side, making sure that none of the bullets hit him. He didn't need to be injured in only their third mission.

One more officers started to arrive Peter realized it was time to go. "Come on Abandon," he urged as he pointed toward the sky.

Abandon flapped his wings and took to the sky. He banked hard so that no bullets pierced his feathers. He turned a building so that no one else could shoot him. "That was close," he commented as he spread his wings to his full length in a stretch.

"Well we just have to be more careful around the NYPD," pointed out Peter as he looked to Abandon.

"Yeah you don't say," muttered Abandon as he rolled his eyes. "Now if you can excuse me I have somwhere I need to be."

He turned a bit before Peter shouted. "Where are you going," he called above the rushing wind.

Abandon looked back. "I need to meet a friend," he explained as he lashed hi tail in the wind. "Don't wait up for me!"

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