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Once Abandon was finished he started to get into uniform which was lengthy. He made brown covers that would cover his legs and provide stability. He gave room for his paws and unusually long talons. He made a helmet with a long pointed beak to symbolize his eagle DNA. It had strange marking that meant something in Wolf Latin but Abandon wasn't about to tell anyone, at least not yet.

The mask covered his face and came to a point for the beak. It gave space for his eyes but not much so he could shield himself from falling debris. He also made some very hefty metal clips that could attach to his talons to make them almost indestructible. He made some metal spikes to attach to his wing tips.

He stood in the mirror, spinning around and looking at himself. He may add some things later but for now he thought he looked and felt great. "How does this look," he asked Peter as he tilted his head upward, his helmet tilting back a bit.

"Amazing," replied Peter as he put on his own suit. Abandon wasn't crazy about it but he did have to admit that it looked okay on him. It was red and blue with a spider mark on the back.

"So what next," asked Abandon as he kept turning and trying to get a better angle of his suit.

"I want to test my powers," replied Peter as he flipped over his wrist and showed a strange device that Abandon had seen Peter working on. It shot strange white silky material which Abandon knew what spider webbing.

"I'm glad I already know how to use mine," rumbled Abandon before he puffed out his fur and felt new life pulse though his shoulder. Whatever Zorum had done had certainly helped him and he was very pleased at how he felt.

"Well then maybe you can help me," Peter offered before he looked to his window. He rushed to it and opened it slowly. "Are you ready," he asked Abandon.

Abandon nodded before he spread his wings a bit, feeling every feather seemed to move in the apprehension. "Do I look foolish in this," he asked after a heartbeat.

Peter laughed a bit. "Of course not! You can't look worse than me in skin tight spandex!"

Abandon had to give him that. "You have a point." He shrugged knowing that if he was being saved he wouldn't care how his savior looked as long as he was alright. "Okay let's go."

Peter nodded and shot some web from his now called web slinger. It connected with a telephone pole and Peter sat back. He let out a sigh before he leaped and had his web carry him. Abandon preferred flying. He leaped for the window, spread his wings and took to the sky. His body flipped a bit, not accustomed to the new weight he had flying. His helmet fell sideways a bit but he managed to turn and knock it back how it was supposed to be.

He followed Peter who was making his way to a building. Abandon tilted his wings and stretched out his talons a bit in case he would need them to grasp onto something. He doubted that but he wasn't about to take any chances. When he finally made it to the building he stopped and had his wings spread over his shoulders a bit to make himself looked like a true hero he had dreamed about coming to rescue him when he was a pup in the lab.

"You look professional," Peter commented as he strode over and sat down, amazed at what he had just done. "If people didn't think you were a wolf-"

"Then they may have liked me," shot Abandon as he ran a paw over his ear, his metal talons nicking his ear a bit.

"What do you mean," asked Peter in shock as he stretched out a hand to touch Abandon's pelt. Abandon ducked back and scowled a bit, not wanting Peter to think he was helpless.

"I mean people don't expect a wolf to save them and once they do they don't appreciate it because I'm not a human," muttered Abandon as he narrowed his eyes to slits.

"You shouldn't have that attitude," argued Peter as he stood up and looked down on Abandon. "Then no one will like you. They'll like you even better if you had a name other than Abandon."

"Always hate the game," grumbled Abandon as he thought for a heartbeat. "Then I want to be known as Freedom."

"Why Freedom," asked Peter as he looked Abandon up and down.

"Because the eagle means freedom and I want anyone who sees me to know that I represent freedom," Abandon explained as he twitched an ear. "Do you like it?"

Peter nodded vigorously. "I love it! I want to be known as Spiderman."

"Well we have our names," murmured Abandon as he puffed out his chest in pride. "Now it's time to save people."

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