He Needs Help!

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Zorum and Abandon flew through the air, looking madly around. Abandon sniffed the air but he couldn't detect any reptilian scent.

"I can't see any lizard," complained Zorum as he opened his mouth a bit. Abandon couldn't see what Zorum was doing but he guessed he was trying to use his echolocation to find them. However it wasn't working since his eyes turned trouble. "Or hear any lizard."

"Neither can I," confessed Abandon as he continued turning his ears madly. He thought that a giant lizard would make more noise but it was the New Yorkers making all of the noise. He couldn't hear anything above them.

Suddenly a recognizable sound made his ears ring. It was the police sirens and they were all around something. Abandon instantly knew that something was wrong. "Peter," he gasped in shock as he turned his wings a bit and dove downward.

"Where are you going," called Zorum in shock at Abandon's sudden spur of action and change in direction.

"Trust me," called Abandon as wind began to buffer his decent. He felt his fur plaster against his body but he could barely feel it. Once he lowered to his ideal height he turned abruptly and flew right toward the police cruisers.

He suddenly saw Peter sitting in the middle of dozens of New York City Policemen. His head was bowed and his hands were cuffed behind his back. Gwen Stacy's father suddenly leaned forward and thrust off his mask, gasping in shock.

That sent Abandon over the edge. With a yowl he dove down and landed harshly between Mr. Stacy and Peter. He bared his teeth in a snarl and his fur bristled in rage. "Leave him alone," spat Abandon.

Sargent Stacey took a surprised step back. "Y-You can talk," he stammered as his eyes widened to show the white around the color.

"All animals can talk," pointed out Abandon as he lashed his tail. "They just don't speak human language. Some animals though if they're smart enough can learn it. I have."

"You're with him then," growled another officer.

Abandon's fur spiked along his spine and such a lengthy growl rolled in his throat that a few other officers took a few steps back. "Of course I am! I..." Abandon trailed off for a bit before he plastered his wings against his side. "I'm Freedom."

"Kill him," chanted an officer as he took out his pistol.

"Send him to the pound where mutts should go," suggested another and Abandon felt like he was being attacked at all angles.

"He just wants to help," argued Peter as he looked up from his awful state. "Why can't you just let us help?!"

"Help," echoed Sargent Stacy. "What help can you offer us?"

"The lizard," replied Abandon as his eyes rounded. "The lizard is coming back and we have to stop him!"

"Also Gwen is in the building that the lizard is going," added Peter as he looked up to Sargent Stacy.

"Gwen," echoed Sargent Stacy although his breath turned raspy and hollow as he said his daughter's name.

"Yes but if you let us go we can stop the lizard," Peter told the Sargent with pleading eyes.

To Abandon's surprise the Sargent leaned forward and unhooked the handcuffs. He then handed Peter his mask. Peter beamed and took it from the Sargent before he turned to Abandon. He pointed to a pillar where Abandon's costume was.

Abandon darted forward and rushed to place it on. Once he had finished he spread his wings and took beside Peter.

"Don't shoot," called out Sargent Stacey but not everyone heard him.

An officer had a clear shot at Peter and he took in. The bullet sliced through Peter's flesh and he went down hard.

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