Reappearence Of the Lizard

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A few days later Abandon laid under a picnic table. He was sprawled out and allowed the sun to warm his pelt. He wanted to be as comfortable as possible in the hot city and it seemed no matter what he did he was still sweltering in the heat.

Suddenly he felt something seeming to be traveling through the ground. He grumbled before he realized whatever it was traveling toward the school. He pricked his ears and frowned, his eagle senses kicking in. For some reason he had a bad feeling about this.

He rose to his paws and strode toward Sheba who was sprawled out and sleeping. Abandon touched his nose to her cheek and she blinked open her eyes. She rolled over and looked at Abandon. "Do you need something," she mumbled before yawning.

Abandon nodded as his tail lashed. "I hear something and I think it's still traveling toward the school."

"What kind of something," asked Sheba as she turned and rose to her paws before she stretched out, her back arching.

Abandon curled his lip. "I'm not sure but I know it's not good," he grumbled as he bounded toward the school entrance. "Come on!"

Sheba followed reluctantly and the two halted at the entrance of the school. "We're not supposed to go in there," Sheba pointed out as she thrust her ears against her head.

Abandon curled his lip. "I know but we have to," he growled as his tail lashed. "Something is coming and it's not good, trust me."

Sheba sighed before she reared on her hind legs and opened the door. "Then come on and keep your head down," she hissed before Abandon surged forward with Sheba following. They darted through the hallways and tried not to be seen by any teachers or students.

"Where are we heading," called Sheba as she ducked behind a wall with Abandon following.

"I'm not sure," confessed Abandon as he looked around with darkening eyes. "I can't alert Peter since I don't want to worry-"

Suddenly girls bolted from the restroom screaming. A roar sounded and the fur along Abandon's pelt prickled. "I think I found what I heard traveling through the ground," Abandon grumbled before he saw a creature appearing at the entrance of the restrooms, snarling.

"Go and help the students out," Abandon ordered as he spread his wings. "I'm going to find Peter."

"But Abandon-" began Sheba but Abandon lashed his tail.

"You have to go," he barked as the lizard began to dart forward. "I'll be fine but I don't want you to get hurt!"

Reluctantly Sheba turned and bolted toward the students, trying to urge them into the right direction. Abandon then turned and darted toward Peter who was at the other end of the hallway. He skidded to a halt and looked up at Peter with round eyes.

"Sorry I was going to warn you but that wasn't enough time," Abandon panted as fear coursed through him.

"We have to fight," growled Peter as he kneeled down and opened his book bag. He threw some of Abandon's pieces from his costume toward him. Abandon struggled but he managed to climb into his metal talons. He then jammed on his spikes on his wings and slipped onto his covers from his forelegs. The helmet was the last thing he needed and he struggled to place it on.

Peter didn't have on his suit yet though and it seemed like the lizard had locked onto them since a few days ago they had raided his lab in the sewers and had a showdown. Abandon's flank still ached where the lizard had grazed him with one of his monstrous claws. He shook his head to clear it before his eyes narrowed. It was time to fight.

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