Lessons To Teach About Wolves

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Abandon pulled himself forward through the city. Blood dripped from his shoulder wound and mixed with the rain. He gritted his teeth in pain and started seeing black dots in the corner of his vision.

Peter kept having to wait for Abandon and Abandon hated slowing him down. However the more he tried to speed up the worse the pain got and the more he slipped and fell on the sidewalk. Eventually he gave up running and he just shuffled forward, one antagonizing paw at a time.

Rain streamed down his pelt and down his face. His vision was now hazy and he couldn't scent anything because everything smelled of rain and moisture.

"Are you going to make it," asked Peter as he hung back a bit and looked at Abandon with his fur slicked against his pelt and his eyes narrowed to slits.

"I'll make it," panted Abandon as he let his tail drag in the rushing water underneath him. "I just can't guarantee in one piece."

Peter smiled at his friend before he saw lightning brightening the sky. Abandon blinked his eyes and shuddered. "I hate lightning. It brings the red flower."

"Red flower," echoed Peter in confusion. "What's the red flower?"

Abandon flicked his ears. "Sorry wolf language for you. The red flower is a bright red, blue, or orange light that comes from lightning and engulfs everything in it's path. It turns whatever it touches into a black powder."

"Oh you mean fire," Peter murmured, half to himself.

Abandon dipped his head. "You call it fire I call it the red flower since that's they wolves call it and eagles. I may live with humans but that doesn't mean I can forget everything about my forest life."

"What other wolf words do you know that humans call something different," pressed Peter as he tried to change Abandon's thinking so he didn't think of the pain.

Abandon thought for a heartbeat. "We call your cars Thunder Stones," Abandon explained. "We call them that because when they move to us they sound like thunder and they are as large as stones or some boulders. We also call the round Thunder Way."

Peter chuckled a bit. "You wolves have some weird ways of thinking."

Abandon flicked his tail. "It's just how we see things. One of the hardest things I needed to adjust to was not calling my food prey."

Peter was about to ask something else but they had made it their house and Abandon wasn't about to stay in the rain any longer.

"Are you hungry," asked Peter as he peered down on Abandon. He was starving but Abandon was his top priority.

Abandon nodded before he shook his head. "A little but I need to treat this wound. I think that the knife was dirty and I'm afraid of infection."

Peter nodded and decided that he would just bring Abandon something to eat while he was resting. "Okay just go upstairs and I'll bring you something."

Abandon dipped his head before he pushed himself into the house. He saw the stairs and darted toward the stairs. He bounded up but his leg gave out and he nearly fell backwards. He sunk his teeth into the stairs and he pushed forward. Tears streamed from his face and he gasped in agony.

He made it to Peter room and pushed the door open with his head. He fumbled in and blinked his eyes eyes to adjust to the lack of light. He hauled himself onto the bed and sprawled out. He grasped one of Peter's t-shirts and set it under his shoulder so that no blood got on Peter's comforter.

"Here it goes," grumbled Abandon as he began licking the blood away and trying to clean the injured flesh. He suddenly let out a screech and his claws sunk into the bed, nearly shredding it.

Peter came in with a large hunk of chicken. He held it out for Abandon but Abandon wasn't interesting in eating right now. "Can you lend me a hand," asked Abandon as he lifted his head to his friend.

Peter strode forward and knelt beside Abandon. Abandon lowered down and pushed his head under Peter's bed. He grasped some leaves and brought them onto the bed and set them down. "I'm going to chew this marigold into a pulp and I need you to press it against the wound and hold it there even if I yell."

Peter nodded and watched as Abandon chewed some herbs into a pulp. He spat it onto Peter's hand and Peter pushed the pulp into Abandon's shoulder. Abandon yowled in agony and fire burned through his shoulder. He wailed and thrashed around a bit but Peter didn't let up. When Abandon managed to relax his eyes seemed to roll back in his head.

"Are you alright," asked Peter in Abandon's ear.

Abandon grumbled and lashed his tail. "I suppose. Now just tie your t-shirt over the wound. The pressure should help. This is how wolves do it in the wild but with leaves like these."

"Really," Peter murmured as he stroked his hand over Abandon's fur and felt heat pulse from his body. "How do you know so much if you were taken away from your parents when you were young?"

Abandon flicked his ears. "Well I suppose I just remember. I also have heard stories from older wolves who told me a lot about the forest. I know that you love the city but sometimes I miss the forest."

"I understand," murmured Peter before he shoved the chicken toward Abandon. "Here eat this."

Abandon lifted his head and took a bite, tearing the meat from the bone. "Will Aunt May miss it," he mumbled around his mouthful.

Peter shook his head. "She shouldn't. There is more down there."

Abandon dipped his head before he yawned and rested his head on his paws. "If you don't mind I think I'm going to try to get some sleep. I'm really tired and my shoulder is killing me."

"Do you want some Alive or Advil or something," offered Peter since that was the only painkiller that Aunt May would allow him to take when he had a headache.

Abandon wrinkled his nose in disgust. "If you don't mind I'd rather take the pain. I took enough pills made by humans in the lab."

Peter nodded before he stretched out onto the bed and stroked Abandon's head with his hand. "Would watching the news made it better or worse?"

"Probably better," slurred Abandon, already half asleep with his eyes struggled to flicker open. Exhaustion was beginning to weigh on him but he could still hear the news reporter muttering in the background and he plastered his ears against his head.

He suddenly heard a murmur of enthusiasm as he heard children laughing. He sat up and looked. They were laughing and playing with their parents, saying how thankful they were. Abandon's eyes filled in tears and he wished he could have had a relationship like that with his parents, even if they were wolves.

"I'm sorry," Peter began but Abandon just hung his head and turned toward the wall. He shuffled himself toward it and wheezed a bit.

"It's alright I just don't feel too good," he sighed as he rested his head on his paws. He raked his brain trying to figure out what his parents looked like but he couldn't. He didn't even think he had his eyes open when he was taken.

He let out the beginning of a cry before he buried his head in his paws, trying not to let Peter know how depressed he felt. The pain in his shoulder was beginning to throb harder now and he was struggling to contain it. He just squeezed his eyes shut and struggled to drift off into sleep.

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