Tending To Injury

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Abandon felt a hand on his shoulder and shook him. He yelped and his eyes fluttered open, filling with agony quickly. He stared at Peter before he pushed himself against the wall and cried, his teeth starting to become bared in a snarl.

"Easy," chided Peter as he leaned forward, still in his Spiderman suit minis the mask. His eyes were wild in concern and Abandon knew that he had probably jolted Peter a bit. "It's just me."

"Sorry," wheezed Abandon as he struggled to relax his body. "It's just my shoulder."

"Is that why you had to leave," wondered Peter as he sat on his bed, cringing. Abandon looked at Peter's thigh and saw that his wound was still raw and needed to be tended to.

Abandon nodded. "Sorry about that. I also couldn't stand to be around that wolf-heart," he muttered meaning Dr. Conners.

"I know and I'm sorry," murmured Peter as he lifted his leg onto the bed so Abandon could see it. "Do you think you can do anything?"

Abandon stuck out his tongue. "I can clean it and dig out the bullet. You'll need to wrap it though."

"I can do that," assured Peter as he took off his Spiderman costume but he still had shorts and a shirt underneath. Abandon then leaned forward gingerly and rasped his tongue over Peter's wound. Most of the blood had dried but the area was raw and tender to touch but Peter didn't flinch when Abandon touched it. Abandon licked around the raw wound before h stuck his muzzle deeper into Peter's wound. Peter groaned as Abandon tried to find the bullet.

"Try to stay as still as you can," murmured Abandon as he found the bullet. He smiled as he inclined his neck forward and grasped the bullet from Peter's thigh. He drew back, his muzzle covered in blood and spat it on the bed. Peter leaned forward and stared at the bullet, raising an eyebrow.

"There you go," breathed Abandon before he continued lapping at the wound to clean it. Once he smelled no more rancid scent he knew that this saliva was doing it's job. "That should feel a lot better!"

Peter smiled and leaned backwards, smiling half to himself. "Much, thanks Abandon."

Abandon dipped his head. "Don't mention it." He lifted his head before he felt his shoulder shift and he moaned, clenching his teeth together to alleviate the pain.

"Your shoulder," gasped Peter as he pulled himself close to Abandon. "Just show me what to do."

Abandon took Peter's hand in his paw and showed him where to place his hands to get the best result when he would pop his shoulder back in place. He then lowered a bit so that it would go in smoothly. It would be antagonizing to pop back in but not as painful as living with his shoulder popped out of place.

Abandon grasped Peter's pillow and sunk his teeth into it. "On three," mumbled Abandon through the pillow. "One. Two. Three!"

Peter lurched forward and a loud popping sound echoed through the room. Abandon bit down so hard on the pillow that it shredded in his mouth. He managed to spit it out before he shook his head and grumbled in pain as he tensed his shoulder.

"Ouch," muttered Abandon as he shook his head madly.

"Your welcome," murmured Peter as he stuck out a hand and stroked Abandon between the ears. "I'm truly sorry about Zorum."

Abandon bit his lip. "Thanks. I'm sorry I almost killed Dr. Conners. It's just that I couldn't see past my grief for him."

"It's fine," assured Abandon as laid back down and tried to elevate his shoulder so that the swelling didn't get too bad. "Why were you late?"

"Sargent Stacey was killed by the lizard," reminded Peter as he sat back on the bed and looked at Abandon. "I had to tell Gwen."

"How did that go over," murmured Abandon as he sighed heavily, his shoulder still throbbing.

"Not as well as I would have hoped but it could have been worse," yawned Peter as he laid back on his bed and closed his eyes part way.

Abandon saw how exhausted Peter was and Abandon felt the same way. He curled into a ball beside Peter's shoulder and sighed heavily. "Great job today," praised Peter as he rested a hand on Abandon's back.

"You too. We both did great," panted Abandon as he licked the remains of Peter's blood from his muzzle. "It just wasn't enough."

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