New School Year

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One the first day of Peter's 11th grade year he nearly threw Abandon off of the bed. He yelped in shock and pawed at his face. "Where's the fire?"

"Don't want to be late," he pointed out as he quickly changes and Abandon made the bed. It was much easier now that he was larger and didn't have to fly to reach the covers over the other side.

"I can tell," grumbled Abandon before he turned and followed Peter out of his bedroom. They padded down the hallway and down the stairs. Peter had his hair all ready and nice with new clothes that Aunt May had bought him. Abandon had gave himself a quick grooming, in case he came across the beautiful gray Husky. He found out her name was Sheba and her owner was Gwen.

"I see someone is excited," commented Uncle Ben as he sat down with the paper as usual.

Peter didn't saw anything but he grasped Abandon's food bowl and filled it with kibble before he dropped it and it landed with a metallic clank. Abandon lapped at the kibble and chewed it up, swallowing it in massive mouthfuls.

Peter grabbed his own breakfast and ate it quickly. "Gotta go," he announced before Abandon darted toward the door with him.

"Have fun," called Aunt May but Peter had already slammed the door.

Peter and Abandon strode down the street, toward Peter's high school. "So are you finally going to talk to that girl you like," asked Abandon.

"What girl," asked Peter as he tried to be inconspicuous. "I don't like any girl."

Abandon rolled his eyes. "That girl on your desktop, don't think I'm stupid!"

Peter turned the conversation back on him. "What about you and that Husky, Sheba."

Abandon snorted. "She's er just a friend I've never talked to," he grunted before he surged forward and took the lead ahead of Peter. Peter struggled to keep up. Abandon had practiced over the summer on his endurance and he was pleased that he could usually travel miles without tiring. Most dogs these days couldn't do that.

They arrived at school but before they could even enter the building Peter felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Flash standing there. He frowned and Abandon growled a bit in protection.

"See you're still taking that mutt along with you," taunted Flash as he leaned forward, ready to kick Abandon.

"You don't need to do that," argued Peter as he pushed Flash back a bit and lowered down beside Abandon.

Flash looked like he wanted to punch Peter but he thought better of it. "See you in gym, nerd!"

Abandon looked up at Peter. "I can shred him and no one would see."

"It's alright Abandon, I'm fine," assured Peter as he stood up and readjusted his book bag. "Just stay on here and I'll see you at lunch."

Abandon nodded and sat back on his haunch, counting down the minutes.

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