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The pair followed the strange man until they made it to a secure position in the Oscorp tower. The man looked over his shoulder before he entered a complicated code before he pushed in. The door locked once more and Abandon looked at Peter.

"You remember that?"

Peter nodded and padded forward. He touched the key pad and entered the code. The door unlocked and the two strode in. There were spiders everywhere! Abandon cringed and gulped. "Great Lupus!"

"Shh," Peter whispered before he looked to all of the spiders in strange blue sectionals. "This is what my father was working on?"

"I believe so," murmured Abandon as he flicked his ears in fear. He hated being around this many spiders but he wasn't about to admit it. "So what are we gong to accomplish from being here?"

Peter suddenly stretched out a hand and touched the web. It didn't break but spiders began falling from their webs. The fell on Peter and Abandon.

Abandon snarled and turned, throwing spiders from his pelt. Peter used his hands and began to throw them off, fear rippling though him. Abandon bunched his muscles and darted out of the room. He darted into the main room where it had computers showing the scientific research behind the spiders. Abandon didn't care about the spiders. He just wanted to make sure no spiders were on him.

Peter staggered out next, ruffling his hair. "Do you see any on me," he asked a bit frantic.

Abandon frowned. "Well they're very small so I doubt I would be able to see them."

Peter sighed and shook his head. "Yeah maybe this wasn't such a great idea."

Abandon wagged his tail. "Looks like someone should listen to me more often," he suggested as he kinked his tail over his back. "Now lets get back to the ground before they kick us out of here."

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