Arriving Home At Dawn

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Abandon lowered down on the sidewalk so that no one would see his wings. He plastered his wings against his side before he romped forward, his eyes blinking to adjust to the bright light of the sun. He let out a raspy breath before he strode toward the door.

He pushed his head against the door of his house and his fur bristled. He grunted before he opened the door and bounded toward the stairs. His shoulder felt a lot better and he couldn't smell infection anymore but that didn't mean that he wasn't exhausted from his day and night and lack of sleep.

He strode through the hallway before he padded to Peter's room. He pushed himself into the room and leaped onto Peter's bed. He curled into a ball and stretched out his shoulder so that it could air out. He closed his eyes but before he could drift off he heard an alarm clock sound in his ear.

He groaned and thrust a paw over his eyes. Peter bolted upward and threw the covers over Abandon's face. Abandon snarled and threw the covers from his head so that he could breath. He narrowed his eyes at Peter and lashed his tail.

"Thanks for the wake up call," muttered Abandon as he thrust a paw against the bed before he hauled himself to his paws.

"Don't complain," grumbled Peter as he began throwing clothes over his shoulder, looking for something. "You got a full night's sleep."

Abandon lashed his tail. "Yeah a full night's sleep," he grumbled into his chest fur before he strode toward Peter, tilting his head. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to make something," replied Peter as he fumbled around madly until he made it to his computer and found the keyboard.

"Make what," pressed Abandon as he waved his tail madly.

"A costume," replied Peter as he looked up different pictures. "If I'm going to look for Uncle Ben's killer I can't risk anyone seeing my face."

Abandon tilted his head in confusion. "So I assume you do then want to be a hero," asked Abandon as he reared on his hind legs and looked on the computer.

"I don't want to be a hero. I want to find his killer," murmured Peter and Abandon felt his pelt prickle.

"Then I'll help," offered Abandon as his eyes gleamed. "However do I need a costume?"

Peter turned to look at Abandon and nodded. "I think you should so no one recognizes either of us. You also need a new name."

"New name," echoed Abandon as he sat down on his haunches, his tiredness vanishing from his eyes. "What's wrong with the name I have now?"

Peter shook his head vigorously. "Of course not! A name so that they can associate you with it. A superhero name."

Abandon pricked his ears. "Alright." He wasn't sure what kind of a name he wanted. He wanted it to give others hope but that wasn't always easy with a name.

"Give me some supplies," ordered Abandon as he leaned forward and rolled his eyes. "I think I have an idea!"

Peter shoved some supplies over to Abandon and Abandon's eyes brightened. He had an idea and he hoped he could deliver.

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