Is It Real Or Just A Dream?

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Abandon felt as if his whole world was coming down on him. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion around him and Abandon was having trouble hearing. All he could hear was the sound of his own heart beating inside his chest. It thumped so hard that he thought it was going to beat out of his chest.

Abandon was so out of it that he didn't even see the Lizard approaching him. The lizard planted a leg against Abandon's pelt and pushed him off of the building. Abandon didn't even try to slow down his decent. He just didn't know what was happening or why it was happening.



Abandon blinked open his hazy eyes and thought he saw a white she-wolf flying beside him as he fell. "Abandon spread your wings now!"

Abandon wasn't sure why but he actually obeyed. He stretched out his wings and they buffered his fall immensely. He landed harshly but not harshly enough that it would break anything. Abandon felt a pop in his shoulder. It didn't bother him since he was still trying to figure out the wolf that had saved his life.

He took in a few ragged breaths before he lifted his head and sighed heavily. His gaze was disoriented and black dots appeared in his vision. "Zorum," he rasped as he felt blood in his mouth. He coughed harshly and blood splattered onto the ground.

"He's not coming," whispered a voice that seemed to be in Abandon's head.

Abandon tried to lift his head but dizziness made his head flop back down on his paws and he struggled to breath as he coughed up more blood. "W-Who are you," he stammered as he looked at the beautiful white wolf that stood in front of him. She seemed to have stars in her fur and he was almost sure he was hallucinating.

The white wolf's eyes turned somber with grief. "You wouldn't remember me. You were just a pup when I died."

"You didn't answer my question," rasped Abandon as he pushed himself into sitting position. He coughed up more blood and felt his throat burn. "Who are you?" His eyes twinkled and he was struggling not to black out.

"I am your mother," replied the wolf as she began to vanish from view.

"Mother," gasped Abandon as he suddenly stretched out a paw. She suddenly vanished and Abandon was left grasping at air. Once he realized that nothing was in front of him he whimpered in shock and looked around.

He suddenly saw a small black figure laying on the ground, it's wings sprawled. Abandon suddenly realized who it was and it felt as though claws were scraping his heart. "Z-Zorum," he stammered as he crept forward, licking the blood from his lips. "Zorum it's me, Abandon."

To his dismay Zorum didn't turn his head or even make a quirky comment like he usually would. Abandon crept closer, dragging his front right leg since his shoulder was still popped out of place and any weight placed on it made him yelp in agony. He pushed himself toward Zorum's limp body and raised a weak paw and prodded it against Zorum's back.

He felt cold to the touch. Abandon moved his paw to Zorum's neck. He felt no pulse and that made his blood run cold in his veins. "Zorum," Abandon pressed as he felt as if a stone was shoved down his throat so he couldn't breath. "Zorum please answer me. It's your friend Abandon."

Zorum still didn't budge and Abandon let out a howl. "Zorum please!"

He suddenly collapsed and rested his head on Zorum's body. He moved his head up and down as he tried to take in Zorum's scent. Tears streamed down his face and onto Zorum's cold body. "Please Zorum come back to me," he sobbed as grief clutched his body and seemed to shake him out of reality.

He lifted his head a bit before he turned Zorum on his back. His stomach had puncture wounds where the Lizard had pierced his flesh. His eyes were open and still widened in shock. His mouth was gaped open and a small stream of blood tricked down the side of his face. Abandon then realized that his best and only friend was dead.

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