Hero to Helpless

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Abandon landed on the top of the Brooklyn bridge and looked down. He twitched his ears as he saw a creature hissing and growling as it weaved through the line of cares. It scratched at the cars and pushed them aside like they were just some small annoyance to him that he wanted to rid himself of.

"What is that," asked Abandon as he raised one of his metallic claws to point at the creature.

Peter landed beside him and looked around. "I don't know but it's pushing cars off the bridge!" He swung forward and used his webs to catch cars before they could plunge into the freezing depths.

Abandon couldn't help with that but he could help with something else. He leaped down and spread his wings before he landed lightly. He heard a scream and he pointed his ears to where it came from. A little girl no older than seven was stuck in a burning car that was a few heartbeats from bursting into total oblivion.

Her parents stood a few paces away, crying and screaming for the police. However the police weren't here. Abandon was. No Freedom was.

Abandon surged forward and whimpered a bit. the girl stopped screaming for a second as she heard Abandon. She looked up from the backseat with tears streaming down her face. "Dog," she asked.

Abandon smiled and wagged his tail. She could think he was a dog if she wanted. Abandon pawed at the door before his claws connected and he was able to open up the door gingerly. He saw that the flames were spreading and he had to work quickly to get her out. Abandon sunk his teeth into the seatbelt and tore it easily. He spat it on the ground and leaned his head forward. He looked at her with unblinking eyes.

"Go with the dog," called a man who Abandon thought was her father as he held his wife's shoulder.

"I can't! I'm scared," wailed the girl as flames seemed to lap toward her feet.

Abandon had to think quickly. He suddenly licked her hand. She laughed and patted Abandon between the ear. "I have a dog," she told Abandon. "He's a Great Dane named Smuckers."

'Smuckers,' thought Abandon with his tail kinked over his back. 'No one can complain that I have the worst name ever.'

He shook his head to clear it before he placed his head on her lap. She smiled and wrapped him in a hug. Abandon gingerly lifted his head and pulled the girl backwards. She held onto him tight and he realized how gentle he needed to be so that he didn't drop her. Once she was far enough from the car he readjusted her and placed her on his back. He then strode toward the parents before he laid down, panting and coughing from the smoke that was invading his lungs.

The man rushed forward and took his daughter from Abandon's back. "Oh Alexis!"

Alexis wrapped her hands around her father's neck before he picked her up and kissed on the forehead. Alexis's mother turned to her daughter with her eyes filled in joyful tears. She kissed her daughter's filthy face before she turned and looked at Abandon.

She kneeled down and reached out a shaky hand. Abandon wasn't about to bite her but she didn't know that. She just knew that some random dog had saved her daughter and she couldn't be more thankful.

"Thank you," she breathed as tears streamed down her face. "I don't know what I would have done if I would have lost her."

Abandon pricked his ears and let out a proud bark before it turned into a sputtering cough. He groaned as he felt pain strike through his throat. Alexis's mother sat up and looked to her husband. "He's sick!"

"It's the smoke," explained Alexis's father as he pointed toward the car with one hand since the other was helping his daughter. "Their lungs are smaller than ours."

Abandon was panicking a bit since it was becoming harder and harder to breath. His eyes were streaming and he coughed madly as he tried to suck in a good breath. He looked up and saw Peter flying above him and he tried to howl but all that came out was a strained breath.

Peter suddenly leaped down and looked at Abandon with concern in his eyes. "Abandon," he gasped as he darted forward and pressed a paw against his chest.

"You need to take him to the animal hospital," explained Alexis's father urgently. "He has smoke inhalation."

"How do you know," snapped Peter before he picked up Abandon who just flopped in his grasp.

Alexis's father narrowed his eyes. "I'm a doctor but not a vet. You need to take him in!"

Peter gulped before he used his web slinger and took to the air. Abandon looked at him thankfully but his breath was extremely ragged and he coughed again pitifully, his tail shaking.

"Don't worry," assured Peter as he landed in an alley way as he struggled to cover up his suit and he gingerly took off Abandon's costume. "Everything will be alright. Stay with me."

Suddenly everything went black.

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