Back To a Sort Of Normal Life

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Abandon woke up early on Wednesday morning. He sprawled out on Peter's day and arched his back as he yawned. He shook his head to clear it before he nudged Peter's hand. "Come on," he yipped as he pawed at his head.

"Why are you so eager to get up," snapped Peter as he rolled over and buried his head into his pillow.

"Because this is my first time back at school before I was out of commission," he murmured as he licked his lips. "Now come on. I want to see Sheba!"

Peter thrust a hand against Abandon's shoulders and Abandon fell off the bed. He grumbled and shook his head to clear it. He sunk his teeth into the sheets and pulled them off Peter's body. Peter looked up to Abandon who sat down with his tail thumping against the ground eagerly.

"Fine. Fine," sighed Peter as he sat up and ran his hands thought his hair Abandon rumbled in amusement before he pushed his head against Peter's back and shoved him to his feet.

"Come on," snapped Abandon as he thrust him off the bed and began making it. "I haven't seen Sheba in a few days and I think she may like me!"

Peter brightened at the aspect of maybe seeing Gwen so Abandon knew that something may have happened between them but he had no real way of knowing. However once Peter started getting dressed he began to make the bed neatly but quickly. He didn't want Peter to have to force him to do it over again.

Abandon then leaped from the bed and bounded into the hallway. He slipped and landed harshly on his underbelly with a groan. He rose to his paws and shook his pelt before he darted forward. He lumbered down the steps, nearly tripping on his own tail before he composed himself and trotted into the kitchen, his stomach rumbling for something substantial.

He strode toward the kitchen and opened it with his nose. He eyed some large ham sandwiches that was probably for Peter's lunch. However he knew that Peter could do without one so he leaned forward and sunk his teeth into one of the sandwiches. He dragged it onto the ground and pushed out the lettuce with his claws. He then tore off a chunk of the ham and the bread. He gulped them down and licked his lips before he turned to look at Peter.

"Sorry, I'm ready how," he mumbled as he licked some mustard from his lips.

Peter rolled his eyes before he grabbed his back pack with the costumes and slung it over his shoulders. "Then come on excited for school."

Abandon bristled his fur before he darted forward, his claws clicking at the ground. He darted out of the door and felt wind slice through his fur. Pleasure sliced through him since he knew it would be a perfect day for a flight. Perhaps later he might even be able to take Sheba for a flight, if she wanted.

"Don't get any ideas yet," argued Peter as if he read what Abandon was thinking. "I need to complete the school day before we do anything fun."

Abandon wrinkled his nose a bit. "Don't worry. I'm just going to be hanging out with Sheba. It's not going to be anything bad."

"I didn't say it was," argued Peter as he checked his watch before he broke into a bit of a trot. "Come on I have to be there early for something."

"To meet Gwen," Abandon teased as he broke into his own trot which was more like a leisurely gait.

"Perhaps. It's none of your business," Peter snapped before he broke into a faster pace and Abandon struggled a bit to keep up.

"No it's not but I just hope that you have a good time," Abandon barked as he rubbed up against Peter's leg. "Besides if you're with Gwen my chances of being with Sheba!"

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