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Peter and Abandon traveled back to the ground, a bit nervous and weary. Abandon still felt like spiders were crawling through his pelt but Peter had examined him and made sure that he had no spiders. That made him relax a little bit but not entirely.

"Peter," called Gwen as she ran up to him.

Peter turned. "You remember my name."

She smiled. "Well I did ask you your name the other day to make sure you didn't have brain damage so yeah I remember."

Abandon noticed Peter blushing a bit. Abandon grumbled before he pushed his head against Peter's leg, trying to push him forward. Peter pushed back against Abandon and Abandon rolled his eyes.

"However I am going to have to ask you to leave. You didn't stay with the group." Gwen's voice was stern but still had it's usual gentleness that Abandon knew that Peter liked.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" He suddenly trailed off and cringed a bit before he turned and slapped his hand against the back of his neck. Abandon looked, up his eyes confused since for a heartbeat Peter let go of his harness.

"Are you alright," Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow.

Peter nodded. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine," he assured.

Gwen smiled before she turned and strode back toward the ground.

Abandon looked up once he was sure that Gwen couldn't hear him. "What happened," he asked, his voice edged with concern.

"I don't know," Peter confessed before he shook his head. "It's late. We better get back home."

He staggered a bit forward so Abandon pressed against his side. "Just hold onto the harness and I'll lead you," he suggested before they traveled outside and out of the Oscop building. They stopped and grabbed Peter's skateboard which he had left outside and continued forward.

They traveled to the subway and Abandon leaped forward but Peter was a bit slower. He was panting yet they hadn't traveled that far. "You alright," asked Abandon as he led Peter over to a place where he could sit down. However now it looked better if he laid down and relaxed a bit.

Peter closed his eyes. "I don't know," he confessed before he sat down heavily.

Abandon pressed a paw against his shoulder, forcing him to lay down. "Just lay down and take a short nap. I'll wake you up when we're close."

Peter nodded before he laid back with his skateboard beside him. Abandon whimpered a bit before he laid beside the skateboard with Peter's fingers gingerly running through his pelt. It felt enjoyable but this wasn't about him. It was about Peter who looked awful.

"Don't worry," assured Abandon with a yawn. "I'm sure you'll feel better when you wake up."

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