Friendly Meetings

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Abandon quickly found the building where Zorum lived. He banked hard and looked around. "Zorum," he called as his tail wagged. "Zorum where are you?"

"Here," called the small bat as he flapped toward Abandon with his large ears tipping a bit. "I wasn't sure if you would come."

"Of course I would," yipped Abandon as he strode toward Zorum and licked him between his giant ears.

Zorum suddenly leaped back and gasped. "What happened to you," asked Zorum as he tilted his head.

Abandon smiled a bit. "Well it's a long story," he explained as he threw his head to the side and bounded toward a place where he could rest. He still hadn't had a good nights sleep.

"I have some time," pointed out Zorum as he lowered beside Abandon before he looked at Abandon's shoulder wound. "It looks a lot better than yesterday."

"All thanks to you," murmured Abandon as he rested a head on his shoulders. "Thanks again. You didn't need to do that."

Zorum chuckled in amusement. "Yes I did! I would never turn away a friend in need," he murmured as he looked at Abandon as he thrust his helmet off of his head. "Now what is that for?"

"It's protection," replied Abandon as he pawed at it. "So that when I fight nothing can hurt my head."

"When you fight," echoed Zorum as he drew back in shock. "What are you doing that I don't know about?"

Abandon let out a sigh. "I'm just watching the streets for perpetrators," he explained as he clicked off of his metal claw covers.

"Well you have to be careful," pointed out Zorum as he danced around Abandon's pelt before he landed to his shoulder. "You don't want yourself becoming injured, again."

"I'll watch out for myself," assured Abandon as he curled his tail around his rump. "Plus I have my human companion."

"Do you ever think he'll turn on you," asked Zorum as he flicked his ears upward.

Abandon shook his head. "No I don't think he would. Why do you?" He turned his head to Zorum and his ears fell against his head.

Zorum shrugged before he flapped in front of Abandon's face. "I'm not sure. I mean humans turned you into what you are now so why wouldn't he hurt you?"

Abandon felt his blood run cold and he wasn't sure what he should say. "I don't know," he confessed darkly. "I mean I don't think Peter would but that doesn't mean he wouldn't."

"Well you should just be careful," murmured Zorum as he looked at Abandon's shoulder. "I don't want anything happening to you."

Abandon felt that Zorum was really trying to be his friend. He appreciated that since the only friend he had was Peter and he always had a small fear that Peter may turn on him. With Zorum he didn't have that fear.

"It won't Zorum," murmured Abandon as he yawned and blinked his eyes rapidly to try and keep himself awake. "I promise."

"How about you sleep here," suggested Zorum as he nudged something raggedy toward Abandon's head. Abandon looked at it blankly before he stuffed it under his head.

"I couldn't," Abandon began but he broke off to yawn against. He felt sleep wafting over him and he was struggled to stay awake. He had almost been up for 48 hours and it was weighing hard on him.

"Of course you can," squeaked Zorum as he flew around Abandon's head. "You're not intruding on anyone and if you dare try to fly you'll probably pass out. It's safer for the whole city if you sleep here."

Abandon smiled a bit. "What about Peter?"

"He's probably sleeping so he won't even notice that you're not here. Besides if he is your friend he probably wants you rested and feeling better." He leaned forward and blinked his eyes. "Are you getting a good nights sleep there?"

Abandon shook his head gravely. "No I suppose not," he muttered into his thick chest fur. "I suppose one night couldn't hurt.

Zorum squeaked excitedly. "Of course not! I finally have a visitor!"

Abandon raised a paw to swat at Zorum playfully. "Yes a visitor who is tired," he grumbled in his usually wolfy tone. "Now could I please get some rest."

Zorum nodded vigorously. "Oh yes of course! I'm just going to go and get my meal." He tipped his wings and took to the sky, using his echolocation to find some insects that might quench his insane hunger.

Abandon just rested a paw over his muzzle and fell sound asleep.

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