Here's the Plan, Or the Rouge Draft

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Abandon and Peter hurried out of the sewer as quickly as possible. Abandon's fur was bristling in rage and he struggled to breath. What he had just learned about Dr. Conners had jolted him beyond belief. He had no idea what either of them was going to do to stop him or even slow him down.

"What should we do," whimpered Abandon as he began pacing back and forth, back and forth. He threw his head from side to side and growled periodically.

"Stop," Peter ordered and Abandon forced himself to look up to Peter. He took in a breath to try and calm him down but it had little effect.

"What do you want me to do," snapped Abandon as he shoved his ears forward. "There is no way we can defeat him if he releases all of that on the city. The whole city will be crawling lizards!"

"I know," Peter grumbled as he rubbed his palms against his temples as he struggled to think. "Wait!"

Abandon swiveled around to look at Peter. "What? What!"

"You have a friend who's a bat, don't you," asked Peter and I couldn't believe that he actually remembered.

"Y-Yeah," Abandon stammered as he shook his head to clear it. "Zorum. He's the one that healed me from my shoulder wound."

"Well maybe you two can slow him down while I go in for the attack. You two can fly, I can't," rambled Peter and Abandon's head spun as he struggled to keep up. "We need Zorum's help!"

Abandon flapped his wings and took off from the ground a bit. "Great idea Peter," he praised as his tail wagged. He sniffed the air and arched his back. "What are you going to do?"

Peter looked to his back pack and opened it up, revealing part of his Spiderman costume. "I'm going to do what I can. Do you want your costume?"

Abandon shook his head. "No Zorum knows who I am without it," I pointed out as I took in a hitched breath. "Do you really think this is going to work?"

"It has to," grumbled Peter as he put on the mask. "For everyone's sake."

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