Let's Try This Again

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Abandon watched as Peter strode into school. He had a lot of time to do nothing. However at least now he had a bone to get busy on.

He found a shady place where he could relax so he pushed himself under another bench. He settled down before he set the bone firmly between his paws. He began gnawing on it as saliva dripped down the bone. He felt his teeth sharpening as well as the flavor of the meat traveling down his throat.

He suddenly heard pawsteps and when he looked up he saw Sheba padding forward. His eyes lit in fear as he ducked back, trying not to breath. He didn't want Sheba to see him and he especially didn't want her to ask any questions. He just held his breath and lowered against the ground.

Sheba sniffed the air and looked around. She was looking for one wolf who seemed to be avoiding her but for good reason. He was embarrassed and started at what had happened. So was she but that didn't mean that she didn't want to see him again. She just wanted to let him know that she didn't care what he looked like. He just wanted them to be friends.

"Abandon," called Sheba as she caught a whiff of his fear scent.

Abandon pushed closer against the top of the picnic table. The bone suddenly fell from his paws and collided with the ground.

Sheba darted around and pricked her ears. "I hear you," she murmured with flickering eyes. "Please come out."

Abandon snaked out a bit from the picnic table and stared at Sheba who wasn't looking at him yet. "Why," he asked slowly and plainly.

Sheba spun around and brightened. "Abandon," she gasped as she darted forward. She halted in front of Abandon with nervous eyes and Abandon wanted nothing more to dart and not speak to her. His pelt was beginning to prickle in embarrassment again and he didn't know what to do. Sheba tilted her head and tried to make eye contact with Abandon. "Abandon look at me."

Abandon turned his head and looked up at Sheba, the breath still caught in his throat. "Y-Yes," he stammered.

Sheba blinked her eyes. "I wanted to apologize for the other day. I didn't mean to come off rude or scared of you. I was just very surprised and I didn't know what to do."

Abandon felt his wings clench up against his flank and he let out a deep breath to calm them down. "It's not your fault," he mumbled into is chest fur. "I mean I'm the freak."

"Freak," echoed Sheba in shock as she took a step back and shook her head vigorously. "Nonsense! You're not a freak Abandon! Don't ever say that again!"

"What do you want me to say," asked Abandon as he shook his head to clear it. "I'm certainly not normal!"

"I don't care," murmured Sheba as her eyes glimmered. "I don't care what you look like."

"You don't," rasped Abandon as he turned his head and felt his talons almost extend in excitement.

Sheba leaned forward and whispered in his ear. He felt her hot breath on his ear and shivered as a jolt was thrust up his spine. He had never been this close to a she-dog, especially one as beautiful as Sheba.

"Of course I don't," she assured as she flicked her tail against his haunch and a rumble rolled in her throat. "Now I wanted to ask you something."

"Ask me what," asked Abandon as his ear flicked upward. He was wondering if it was something that he may be scolded for. Then he wondered if it was about Gwen. Hundreds of questions surged through his mind and he was just glad that he didn't have to wait long. He worked his claws on the ground under he felt an aching sensation in his pads so he stopped.

"I was wondering if you and Peter would like to come over to Gwen and I's house for dinner," she offered as her ears twitched upward.

This was the question Abandon had been waiting for for rotations. "Yes! I er mean I'd love to. When?"

"Tonight," Sheba replied as she hauled herself to her paws and hit her head on the picnic table. She chuckled before she wagged her tail. "I hope you can come. I'm pretty sure Gwen is asking Peter the same question."

Abandon rumbled in joy and pushed the bone away, no longer interested. "S-Sure," he stammered as he licked a paw and ran it over the fur on his forehead to make himself look more presentable. He suddenly felt self conscious. "I'll be there."

Sheba flicked her tail over her shoulder. "Then I'll see you then." With that she bounded away, her paws pounding against the ground.

Abandon felt his heart leap in his chest in excitement. He sat back on his haunches, a smile now permeant on his face.

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