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Abandon and Peter turned before they leaped through the hole that the lizard had made when he threw Peter. The lizard was right behind them though. The lizard shot out a hand and it connected with Abandon's paw. He tumbled a bit and when he looked back the lizard was ready to deliver the fatal blow.

Peter suddenly shot out a web and it stuck to Abandon's helmet. He pulled him back and Abandon hauled himself to his legs. He darted past Peter and dipped his head. "Thanks!"

Peter nodded before they came to the library. There was no way they could burst through any wall here with all of the books around. The lizard was right behind them now so Abandon thought he could use the books to his advantage.

He flapped his wings and climbed a book case. He looked down on the lizard as he began advancing toward Peter. He suddenly leaned forward and the book case fell squarely on the lizard's head. Abandon thought he got him but suddenly a scaly hand shot through the center of the book case. He gasped and surged toward Peter, looking to him for the next genius idea since his idea had failed.

Peter waited until the lizard threw the book case off of him. He snarled and prowled closer to Abandon and Peter. Peter suddenly shot out another web and tried pulling the lizard forward. The lizard just cut the line with one of his sharp claws and narrowed his eyes to rage filled slits. Abandon gulped before he surged forward the lizard again. He extended his metal claws and they pierced the lizard's thick shoulder hide.

The lizard didn't have time to react to Peter leaping on him and pummeling him with a series of fists. The lizard snarled in annoyance before he grasped both Abandon and Peter and threw them though the glass onto a narrow strip enclosed by glass.

Abandon groaned before he hauled himself to his paws. "This is a lot more strenuous than it needs to be," he muttered toward Peter who rose to his own feet stiffly.

"Sorry I don't usually fight giant lizards," he quipped before he positioned himself to strike again. Abandon did the same but fatigue was setting in and he felt his muscles were as soft as jello.

"Yeah neither do I," snapped Abandon before he darted forward and stuck a claw into the lizard's hand. The lizard screeched before he threw Abandon against the class and held him there. Abandon struggled to breath as his own talons pressed against his neck. The lizard smiled joyfully.

The lizard suddenly gasped as it was Peter pulling on it's tail in an effort to free Abandon. The lizard wasn't' fazed by that though. It just tilted it's tail upward and it fell from it's body. The tail wriggled in Peter's grasp and Peter struggled to throw it aside.

"That is gross," complained Peter before he looked to Abandon who was still struggling. Peter shot a web over the lizard's face and the lizard let go of Abandon. Abandon surged back toward Peter and panted madly.

"I can't go like this for much longer," Abandon confessed as his breath turned ragged.

Peter nodded in understanding before he looked at the giant creature staring down on him and Abandon. They were fighting a loosing battle and unless the scales tipped they might die right in the library.

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