Meeting the Father

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A growl sounded at the entrance before the knob turned. Abandon saw Gwen's father but he was more interested in the large black and white Husky that was prowling toward him. The Husky's amber eyes narrowed to slits and he bared his teeth in the beginning of a snarl.

"Who are you," snapped the Husky as his tail lashed against the ground.

Abandon looked around madly and stammered when he tried to speak. He had no idea what to say to Sheba's father.

"Daddy," gasped Sheba as she stepped in front of Abandon and bunched her muscles. "This is Abandon. He's a friend."

"Abandon," echoed the dog in a tone that made Abandon shiver. "What kind of a name is that? Didn't his parents care to give him a proper name?"

Abandon's eyes widened in shock and anger. He had no idea what to say to the Husky. He was severely offended but he had no idea what to say to him. He just shook his head and shuffled his paws.

"Daddy," snapped Sheba as she bared her teeth at him. "Abandon's parents died when he was young!"

The Husky's eyes softened a bit. "Oh well I'm sorry," he growled gruffly and Abandon didn't think it was really an apology at all.

"It's alright," grumbled Abandon into his chest fur. Fear sparked through him and he was worried that his wings might make an appearance. "What should I call you sir?"

The Husky curled his tail over his back. "My name is Cruiser." With that he turned and growled over his shoulder.

Abandon let out a sigh and slumped forward. "I don't think your father likes me," he sighed heavily.

Sheba's eyes glowed in sympathy. "Don't worry. He just doesn't like toms around me. He thinks they're all animals focused on one thing."

Abandon shook his head to clear it. "I promise that's not what I want," he assured but he felt awkward saying it.

Sheba rumbled in amusement and nudged his shoulder with her head. "I know Abandon. Now come on. I don't know about you but I'm starving!"

Abandon blinked his eyes eagerly as Sheba darted out of her and Gwen's room. Abandon followed with Peter and Gwen bringing up the rear. Abandon peered around and saw a lot of family pictures. He didn't have that with Peter since, well he didn't really know why. He just knew that they barely had any pictures anywhere in the house. Here there were family portraits everywhere.

There was also expensive artwork. Abandon tilted his head as he tired to figure out what one of them was. He gave up and Sheba snorted in agreement. "It's alright. I don't know what they are either. I'm not much into art."

Abandon smiled a bit as she padded past him, their fur brushing for a heartbeat. He forced down a happy rumble and his tail wagged. He then shook his head to clear it before he bounded forward, pushing Sheba a bit. She looked up with amusement and energy sparkling in her beautiful eyes.

She darted forward and slammed her paws on his haunch. He fell to the ground before she leaped over him and pawed at the ground, motioning him to get up. Abandon rose to his paws and his eyes twinkled. He surged for her and threw his head lightly against her shoulder, making her stagger. She regained her footing before she leaped on him and thrust him to the ground.

"You better work on your strength," she taunted as she stared into his gentle and compassionate eyes.

"I-I will," Abandon stammered as he felt his mouth go dry just staring at Sheba's beautiful eyes.

Sheba rumbled before she leaned forward and licked Abandon's cheek. Abandon's eyes widened in shock. She laughed before a stern growl sounded from the dinning room. Abandon turned his head a bit and saw Cruiser standing with his shoulders braced, ready to attack. His eyes were narrowed to slits and Abandon thought he was going to charge at him and rip open his throat.

Sheba stepped off of him and Cruiser darted forward. He stepped in between his daughter and Abandon. Abandon leaned forward a bit to look into Sheba's gaze but Cruiser snarled and Abandon leaped back in terror. He wouldn't doubt that if he strayed too close to Sheba that Cruiser would attack him.

"Come on," snapped Cruiser as he led Sheba forward with a stern growl. She strode forward reluctantly and Abandon felt his tail tip twitch. This was going to be an interesting dinner.

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