Taking a Claw, Giving a Gift

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"I'm sorry," Abandon mumbled once him and Peter were a far enough distance from the school. "I didn't mean to get you in trouble."

"It wasn't your fault," assured Peter as he brought a hand to his nose to try and stop the bleeding that was beginning to travel down his lip. "I'm just not that great a fighter when it comes to him."

"Are you badly hurt," asked Abandon with concern in his eyes.

Peter shook his head which immediately made his head pound. "It could have been a lot worse. The trick is just slipping in without Aunt May or Uncle Ben knowing."

"Are they working," asked Abandon, wondering if he had found a loop hole.

"Uncle Ben is but today is Aunt May's day off. She also usually invited her friends over today so that may keep her busy," he suggested as he brought his sleeve to his nose and tilted his head backwards.

Abandon nodded and blinked his eyes. "I think I have an idea."

Once they arrived at Peter's house Peter opened the door as quietly as he could. He looked in and heard Aunt May laughing with some other ladies. Abandon pushed himself in next and sprawled out his talons of claws a bit. They provided him with stability and when he leaped forward he made almost no noise. He made it up to the room with Peter following.

Peter wasn't as quiet but he tried. He pushed into his room and shut the door before locking it. He laid on his bed and began to pinch the bridge of his nose to stop the bleeding. He saw that Abandon was sitting at the door and he wondered what was wrong.

"Need something," he asked as he lifted his head.

Abandon turned, his eyes scrunched up in agony. He hopped over, favoring his front right paw. He leaped onto the bed and whimpered as his paw landed harshly on the ground.

"What's wrong," asked Peter as he shifted over to look at Abandon's paw.

Abandon bit his tongue and turned his paw over. Once of his claw talons was nearly hanging off of his paw Peter flinched backwards a bit. "What happened?"

"That guy threw me against the lockers and I used my paw to stop the impact," Abandon explained as he curled his lip a bit in pain. "I suppose the action wrenched my claw out of place."

Peter frowned in sympathy before he turned and grabbed a shirt and placed it under Abandon's paw. "Would you like me to pull it out?"

Abandon looked apprehensive but Peter had tried to save him from Flash so he knew he could trust him. "O-Okay," he stammered as he handed his paw to Peter.

Peter knew that Abandon needed something to bite on to stop him from snarling or howling. He found a rubber action figure of an army man that he had had since he was seven. He handed it to Abandon and Abandon took in gratefully. Abandon sunk his teeth into the action figure. He didn't want to break it but the pain was killing him but he couldn't let Aunt May know they were home or she'd find out about the fight and tell Uncle Ben.

"Ready," asked Peter as he grasped the one talon like claw and was ready to tug it out. It was loose and Peter thought it would just be like pulling out a loose tooth. Abandon managed a nod and sunk his teeth deeper into the action figure as Peter just gingerly touched it. "Oh three. One...three!"

Peter pulled the claw backwards toward Abandon's stomach and it snapped off of his paw. Abandon's eyes watered as he sunk his teeth deeper into the action figure. His teeth tore right through it and soon he was just gritting his teeth together in agony.

Blood spewed from the wound and Peter rushed to push the rag against Abandon's paw. The blood bled through the rag and Peter wasn't sure why so much blood was oozing from one claw. Abandon looked down and spat out what he was biting on. "Yeah that feels a lot better," he snorted sarcastically.

Peter just smiled and applied pressure to the wound. Once the blood stopped gushed out he took back the rage and turned it to a dry spot. He began dapping away the rest of the blood. Abandon looked toward his bloody claw that was laying a few pawsteps away from Peter.

He inclined his head forward and grasped the claw. Peter looked surprised as Abandon set the claw in his lap. He looked down on it and frowned. "What do you want me to do with it?"

Abandon smiled timidly. "I want you to have it," he murmured as he lifted a claw and pressed it to Peter's heart. "I know I can trust you now and I'm giving that to you to symbolize that I am your companion and friend. I'll always be with you even if you can't see me."

Peter took the claw in his hand and smeared off some of the blood. He then turned and grabbed a small knife. He hollowed out a small hole and attached some rope into it. He tucked it into his pocket. "I'll always have it with me," he assured Abandon as he set down the rag and threw it aside.

Abandon looked up at him before he flicked his ears.

"Peter Benjamin Parker come down here now!"

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