Sneaking Into Oscorp

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Early the next morning Peter woke up Abandon and placed a harness on him. "What are you doing," asked Abandon as Peter tightened the straps.

"Well they aren't just going to let us in if I have you," he pointed as he finished adjusting the straps. "I need to say that you're a service dog."

"For what," snapped Abandon as he pulled away from Peter and twitched his ears. "You're obviously not blind."

Peter stood up and thought for a heartbeat. "Then you are my service dog in case I have seizures."

Abandon shrugged as Peter grabbed his metal end so that he could help steer and guide Peter. Abandon pushed forward, swaying a bit because of the sudden weight on his back. "I would this was a stupid idea but I know this is important to you so I won't say anything."

"Thanks," Peter muttered as they went downstairs. They checked to make sure both Aunt May and Uncle Ben were working before they opened the door and strode out.

"We need to make this look smooth," pointed out Abandon as he tried to seem very comfortable in the harness that was tugging tufts of fur from his pelt. He tried to ignore the pain and push forward.

"How do I make this look smooth," asked Peter as he turned the corner, nearly pulled Abandon backwards.

"By not doing that," panted Abandon as he lashed his tail. "Just give me commands so it looks like we're working together. We're connected in case you haven't noticed!"

Peter nodded and relaxed his grip on Abandon's harness a bit. "Alright, er left."

Abandon obeyed and turned slowly so that he wasn't dragging Peter. "See how much easier that is."

Peter shrugged. "Yeah let's try to keep up the good work."

They turned in front of Oscorp and they both took in a deep breath before they turned and padded into the doors. It was the most glamorous building Abandon had ever been in, no offense to Peter's house.

"Wow this is amazing," gasped Abandon before Peter jerked him back.

"Quiet! No one can know that you can talk!"

Abandon clamped down hard on his mouth and wrinkled his muzzle before he continued forward. Peter stopped at the front desk. Abandon couldn't see but he knew that there was a women talking to him.

"You'll find yourself to the left," the women told him, motioning with her hand.

Peter seemed confused so Abandon sunk his teeth into his harness and dragged Peter sideways. "She means here," he whispered.

Peter looked around a bit before he selected a name tag and pinned it to his shirt. He joined a group of interns and Abandon let out a breath of relief. Step one complete.

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