Unleashing The Love

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"Peter come on," urged Abandon as he shoved a good paw into Peter's bed and prodded him. "I don't want to be late."

"And I don't want to get up," snapped Peter as he tried to push Abandon off of him but Abandon was too heavy.

"Not a chance," growled Abandon as he sunk his teeth into the covers and pulled them off of Peter's body. Peter gasped in anger and rolled his eyes.

"Alright. Alright I'm awake," he complained as he stood up and stretched. "So why is getting to school early so important?"

"It just is," snapped back Abandon as he puffed out his fur in pride. "I have to do something and I don't want anyone else to be there."

"Fine," sighed Peter as he rushed to find clean clothes to wear for school. He managed to find something balled up in the corner and he rushed to put them on. He grasped his back pack and threw it over his shoulder. "Lead the way, Limp."

Abandon wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I think I like Freedom or even Abandon better than Limp," he confessed before he hopped forward, favoring his leg. He made it to the stairs before he spread his wings and flew down. He quickly hid them as he heard Aunt May romping around in the kitchen.

"Peter what are you doing up so early," asked Aunt May as she looked to her nephew.

Peter looked toward the door, just wanting to leave. "Er I have to be at school early. It's a photography thing," he told his aunt as he pointed to Abandon. "And Abandon is helping me."

Aunt May nodded but her brow furrowed as she looked to Abandon who wasn't using one of his legs to walk. "What happened to Abandon?"

Abandon looked to Peter, willing him to make something up. "Uhh he stepped on some glass yesterday and it must still be bothering him today. You know, New Yorkers."

Aunt May bough it and turned, grabbing a dishrag. "Well okay but watch out for him. You don't want it becoming infected."

"Got it Aunt May. I'll see you later!" Peter opened the door and Abandon spread his wings, flying out of the door. He hovered around Peter's head and pushed him forward.

"What's the hurry," complained Peter as he yawned. "I'm still partly waking up."

"Wake up faster then," urged Abandon as his eyes gleamed. "I need to meet Sheba and ask her something very important."

Peter turned his head and smiled a bit. "Why didn't you say so?" He automatically picked up the pace and kicked at the ground a bit as he pushed forward. Abandon flew beside him, his wings turning a bit as excitement pulsed through his whole body.

They arrived at school, both panting. Abandon lowered down and sprawled out a bit as he regained his breath. "Well good luck with everything," whispered Peter as he looked to the school. "I do actually have some pictures to take so I'll see you later."

Abandon wagged his tail. "Okay I'll see you later," called Abandon as he saw Peter disappear into the school. He sat there, waiting for Sheba to arrive.

It wasn't long before both her and Gwen trailed toward the school. Gwen scent Sheba toward the picnic tables. She obeyed and laid under one, a book firmly in her jaws which she was planning on reading. She didn't think that Abandon was going to show up but he did.

"Sheba," called Abandon as he bolted forward and dipped his head to his friend.

"Abandon," she gasped in surprise with mischief lighting in her bright eyes. "I'll admit I didn't think you were coming."

"I wouldn't miss an opportunity to be with you," he confessed as he shuffled his paws in embarrassment. "Now before we run I'd like to ask you something?"

Sheba straightened from under the picnic table and dropped her book at her paws. She pushed forward and looked up at Abandon. "Anything."

"W-Would you like to go on a date with me," asked Abandon and suddenly his voice seemed to crackle in nervousness.

Sheba's eyes twinkled and she rumbled. "I'd love to Abandon. When are we going and where?"

Abandon spread his wings and sunk his claws into Sheba's shoulders and haunches gingerly. "We're going up. Up to the dry cleaners building on fourth street. I want to show you how I became Freedom."

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