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It was the middle of summer and Peter was stuck at home for a bit. He had some chores he had to attend to and Abandon thought it was too hot outside to train.

Abandon was positioned himself in front of a fan and panted. He looked up at Uncle Ben as he swore and threw the newspaper against the ground, close to Abandon.

"What is it now," asked Aunt May as he pushed to her husband's side.

Uncle Ben sat back in his chair. "Another drug bust by our place."

Abandon wasn't really listening. He looked at the newspaper and flipped a page. He saw a small article about the lab. They were advertising!

Rage surged through him and Abandon rose to his paws before he stormed up to Peter's room. Peter noticed Abandon's disappearance and rose to his feet. "I'll be right back," Peter told his Aunt and Uncle before he followed Abandon upstairs. His feet thundered against the stairs. He bounded down the hallway and opened his room to see Abandon laying on the bed, facing the wall.

"Abandon," asked Peter as he leaned forward, swaying a bit. "Abandon are you alright?"

"I'm fine," snapped Abandon as he bared his teeth. "Why would you think I wasn't fine?"

Peter swayed forward. "Well you stormed out of the kitchen so I thought something was wrong," Peter pointed out before he sat on the bed next to Abandon. Abandon skirted away, afraid that Peter would hurt him.

Peter leaned backwards and placed his hands gingerly on the bed. "Come on, Abandon. I know that something is bother you. Just tell me."

Abandon turned to face him. "I saw an advertisement in the paper about where I came from," he confessed as claws seemed to rake his heart.

"Advertisement," echoed Peter as he leaned forward, trying to hear Abandon better. "You mean they want others to go there."

Abandon nodded. "They want money for more experiments. People are going to pay for animals to be tortured and killed!"

"That's not right," grumbled Abandon as Abandon turned around and hung his head in grief. "They can't do this to other animals and turned them into things like me." He spread his wings which had grown as he did.

"I know it's wrong but we can't do anything," Peter pointed out as he stretched out a hand and stroked Abandon's head. "Besides you escaped when you were a pup, maybe others will escape too."

"No offense but I don't think you humans understand when you do something it effects those around you, including animals," barked Abandon as he turned his deep eyes to Peter.

Peter nodded in agreement. "Yeah I know but sometimes we have to take the good with the bad."

"Don't you wish you could do something," argued Abandon as he strode to the corner of Peter's room and peered out of the window. He saw children playing and joking around with each other. He couldn't imagine if someone hurt them. "To protect others in time of danger."

"Isn't that what the NYPD is for," pointed out Peter as he lowered beside Abandon to look at the children.

"The NYPD can only do so much because of what they are legally able to do," Abandon pointed out as he turned to Peter's TV. "I've watched the news late at night when you're sleeping and they are only so fast in the streets. They have traffic to get through and sometimes they are too late. That could be your loved one!"

"Calm down," chided Peter as he raised his hands. "The NYPD isn't perfect but they are helping. I think you worry about things too much."

Peter turned and pushed to his feet before he opened his door. "I think you need to calm down and think about more pleasuring things."

"Like what," asked Abandon as he strode forward, plastering his wings against his flank so that they looked just like his dark brown pelt. He even looked like an eagle now.

"Like preparing my classes for this coming year," Peter pointed out as he picked up a piece paper that had all of the classes for 11th grade. "Want to help?"

Abandon shrugged. "Sure." He tried to push the article in the newspaper out of his head but no matter what he did he still felt like those monsters were out there, experimenting on innocent creatures and it was his duty to stop them.

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