Chasing A Killer

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Abandon and Peter strode through the city and Abandon kept his ears pricked and eyes narrowed to awaiting slits. He had eagle vision and a wolf's hearing. He seemed to have the best of both animals and he enjoyed that.

"See or smell anything," asked Peter as he strode next to Abandon.

Abandon shook his head. "No not yet. I might be able to if I had a view," he grumbled as he felt the wind quickly drying his pelt and it made him shiver again.

"Then go," offered Peter as he pointed to the sky. "From that high up you should look like a bird. No one will be able to tell that you're an eagle wolf."

Abandon let out a sigh and spread his wings, ready for flight. "Alright." He flapped them and took to the sky. The wind sliced through his body like claws and he felt like he had just been dealt a fatal blow. He shook his head to clear it before he sniffed the air.

He pricked his ears and used his wolf senses to track anyone. He suddenly heard a man with long blonde hair holding a women against her will. He snarled and dove down before he spread his wings to buffer his landing. He looked up at Peter with his tongue hanging from his mouth.

"Did you find something," asked Peter hopefully.

Abandon nodded and flicked his tail over his shoulder. "Follow me," he urged as he bolted forward, his fur flapping in the wind.

Peter followed before Abandon halted and hushed him. "A man is in there and he's threatening that women."

Peter's eyes narrowed to slits. "I'm going in!" He darted into the alley and punched the man in the jaw before he threw him against the wall. Abandon barked and snarled and tried to make as many threatening sounds as possible.

"What is this for," asked the man as he thrashed around in Peter's grasp. Peter moved his sleeve and realized that there wasn't a star tattoo there. He sighed and stepped back.

Suddenly numerous men darted toward Peter. He dodged each of their attacks but they weren't giving up that easily. Abandon lunged forward and snapped his fangs into a man's calf. Blood gushed out before the man took a knife and stabbed it into Abandon's shoulder.

Abandon let out a howl of agony before he flapped his wings and lifted into the sky. He sunk his teeth into the knife and pulled it out of his flesh before he spat it onto the ground, his eyes narrowed to unhappy slits. Rage made him not feel the pain but that didn't mean that it wasn't a nasty wound.

Suddenly Peter turned and bolted with the men following. Abandon lowered to the ground and darted forward, his wings still sprawled. He pressed a wing against his shoulder to try and stop the constant flow of warm and crimson blood. He curled his lip in pain and let out a raspy breath.

"Peter," he called as he collapsed a bit, looking up.

Peter looked over his shoulder before he darted back to Abandon. "Come on pal," he urged as he ripped off his jacket and pressed it against Abandon's wound. "We can make it. It's not that far!"

Abandon sighed and gritted his teeth as the pain began to flow. "Alright. Alright." He hauled himself to his paws and sprang forward, his muscles wailing in protest. He then spread his wings and flew through the air so he didn't need to place any weight on his injured leg.

They made it to the top of a large building and Abandon knew it was unsteady. "Must we be here," he complained as he fell against the ground, staggering. He licked his shoulder but he could already smell infection. The knife wasn't clean. His eyes began to water as wind howled against him and he lowered against the ground, moaning a bit.

"I'm sorry Abandon," apologized Peter as he looked behind his shoulder and heard the men snarled and howling as they threw their fists in the air. "But they're coming."

Before Abandon could haul himself forward a man leaped in front of him. He was too tired to attack so he just let a growl roll in the back of his throat. He bared his teeth in the beginnings of a snarl and the fur along his bloody shoulders bristled.

"Look at this freak of nature. What hideous creature had you," hotted the boy as he twirled a knife in his hands.

Abandon looked at the knife in terror and rage sparkled in his eyes. "A much better looking creature than the one that had you," he snapped and the man's eyes widened in shock as he realized he could talk.

Peter suddenly slammed into him and he fell off the side of the roof. Peter leaned forward and grasped his hands. He pulled down his sleeve and saw no tattoo on this man either. He sighed and allowed the man to cling onto the side of the roof. He stood up with Abandon bustling to his side.

"Let's go home," complained Abandon as he turned his head to the sky. "I think it's going to rain."

Peter nodded but when he took another step the ground gave out underneath him. The roof shattered and Peter and Abandon went tumbling. Abandon felt something extremely hard collide with his flank and it knocked the air right out of him. He took in a raspy breath with his eyes narrowed to pained slits.

"Great Lupus," he grumbled as fresh blood oozed from his wounded shoulder.

"I saw your face," howled the men from above. "I know what you look like!"

Peter grunted as he lifted his head. The first thing he saw was a red and blue masked creature on the side of the wall. He had an idea but first he needed to get Abandon home. He had put the wolf through enough for today.

He hauled himself to his feet and brushed off the drywall and whatever else fell on him. He looked to Abandon who flapped his wings but they were too weak and he fell against the ground. "Looks like I'm walking."

Thunder sounded outside and Abandon rolled his eyes. "I'm still wet from the bath," he complained as he hauled himself forward, favoring his injured leg.

"Don't worry," assured Peter as he placed on his jacket. "We shouldn't have a chase like this ever again."

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