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Peter awoke early and quickly brushed his teeth and got ready for school. He trampled down the stairs with Abandon following, excitedly. His tail was kinked over his back in excitement since he had never heard of this place called school.

"Good morning Peter," announced Uncle Ben as he waved to Peter as he read the newspaper and sipped on some black coffee. Aunt May sat beside him, eating some bland toast.

"Are you hungry Peter," asked Aunt May as she pushed a box of cereal at him.

Peter shook his head. "No I have to be at school early so I can take pictures for Prom."

"You're not even going to Prom," pointed out Aunt May as she frowned, wondering if Peter was lying.

Peter's eyes widened a bit and thought about what he could say to convince Aunt May that he needed to leave early. "Well yeah that's exactly why they need me. They need someone who's not going to be there to take the best before pictures."

Aunt May looked like she wanted to argue but Uncle Ben stretched out a hand and placed it on top of his wife's hand. "Just let the boy go," he chided. "He's doing something productive, why interfere with it."

Aunt May pursed her lips together. "Okay but don't be late coming home."

"I won't," called Peter as he raised a hand before he opened the door and Abandon bolted out. He sunk his claws into the grass and blinked happily. "Come on."

Abandon turned his head and darted toward Peter. He pushed beside him. "Are you really going to take pictures of Prom?"

Peter shook his head. "I'm going to take pictures of the reading competition team for the yearbook," he answered as he looked down on Abandon.

"Why did you lie," he asked as he tilted his head in a scolding way.

Peter rolled his eyes. "I just didn't want my aunt and uncle to know that I was taking pictures of them because every time I do they say I should join the team."

"Why don't you," pressed Abandon as he kinked his tail over his back.

Peter pushed forward a bit quicker. "I'm not that great on teams."

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