Being Told Off

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Peter pushed his way into school, hoping that no one noticed him. He knew that the rumor that he had fought Flash Thompson and lost. Abandon was pressed against Peter's leg as they strode forward, hoping that no one said anything about him and Peter.

Peter pushed forward and turned into a room, with his pencil ready to take his math final. He sat in the back and placed his book bag at his feet. Abandon padded near Peter and sat beside Peter's leg.

The rest of the kids filed in, some ready to take the test and the others seemed like they didn't care. Suddenly a taller girl with beautiful blonde hair strode into the room and Abandon saw that Peter's eyes immediately flocked to her.

"Do you like her," asked Abandon as his tail wagged.

Peter shook his head. "No of course not," he argued as he continued to shake his head. "She's pretty but she'd never look at me."

After the girl padded out a beautiful light gray Husky with black hints and gorgeous blue eyes. She looked striking and Abandon nearly fell over. "Is that her companion," asked Abandon as he wagged his tail.

Peter lowered a hand and pushed Abandon, nearly making him fall over. He growled and turned back to Peter. "Yeah and I think some one thinks she's pretty."

"She is," grunted Abandon before the teacher padded into the room and Abandon ducked behind his leg. He lowered down and took a brief nap.

Peter kicked Abandon gingerly and Abandon woke up. He grunted and saw that most of the kids were leaving. "Come on," whispered Peter as he pushed out of the room with Abandon following.

Peter suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "What is that," asked the advanced English teacher, Mr. Flage.

Peter looked down on Abandon. "It's a dog," answered Peter. "If you're an advanced english teacher I'd thought you'd know that."

Mr. Flage frowned. "You can't have him in here without a doctor's excuse."

Peter bit his lip and looked down on Abandon. "Shoot I forgot the note, I'll bring it in tomorrow," he told Mr. Flage before he strode down the hallway with Abandon following. He looked down and sighed.

"I better go," murmured Abandon as he looked up at Peter before he darted toward the entrance of the school and pushed his way out. He sat down on the grass and wondered if it was truly a good idea that he had becoming Peter's friend.

Peter felt a bit crestfallen that Abandon had left because of something a teacher had said to him. He felt around in his pocket and touched the claw. He sighed and bolted after him.

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