White Everywhere

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Abandon blinked open his eyes and realized that he was moving at an alarming rate. He looked to his side and saw someone he didn't know. He was wearing white and he had strange green gloves on. Another man was on his other side, shouting orders.

Abandon moved one of his talons and realized he was on a moving bed. He tried to lift his head but then the pounding started as he sat back down. Horror surged through him as he realized he was at a vet's office. He had vowed never to go to the vet since they had medication they would want to administer to him and he had taken enough experimental drugs when he was a pup.

He was also worried about his wings. If the vets wanted to feel around and make sure nothing was broken they might find his wings and he could not allow that to happen. He tried to jolt around a bit but that brought a rush of pain through his chest and head so he just sat back.

"He's waking up," someone cried and that made Abandon's heart fall. Did they want him to still be sleeping?

Suddenly the tightness came back and he started sputtering as he tried to breath. His eyes began to water and stream again while he thrust out a paw in agony. Something was then thrust over his muzzle and when he took in a breath the air smelled strange. It was clean air though so he wasn't going to complain.

However the air made his head feel strange. He felt fuzzy and dizzy at the same time. He struggled to keep his eyes open but he vowed to himself that he would not fall asleep. He was beginning to drift though. Everything felt so slow and so far away. Nothing was right in front of him.

People continued to swamp around him and they all had fancy needles in their grasp. Abandon began to whimper since whenever he saw a needle he saw all of the scientists in the lab who had wanted to experiment on him and see what he could do. He was not about to let that happen again.

He threw his light headed head backwards and growled but it came out a raspy cough. On of the vets placed their whole body over Abandon to keep him from thrashing around. Another vet flicked the top of the needle and strange colored liquid flicked out. That just made Abandon thrash and panic more. He felt his heart thumping in his chest and his lungs cried for more of the fresh air.

The vet jabbed the needle into his haunch and released the liquid inside of him. He took out the needle and threw it again before he let out a sigh of relief. The vet stood up and allowed Abandon room to breath. However when Abandon took in a breath he couldn't help thinking about how hard it was. He looked to the vets who just smiled at him and began to stroke him.

They told him what a good boy he was and how when he woke up he'd feel a lot better. He didn't understand but it didn't take long. Whatever they had injected to him was working. His held felt like a glob of jello while his paws refused to move. His eyes kept flickering open and closed again and Abandon was starting to see things that weren't actually there.

A vet leaned forward and kissed him between the ears. "When you wake up you'll feel a lot better."

Abandon managed a small nod before his body drifted off and all he could see was white.

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