Short Break

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Abandon flew through the sky and felt his wings begin to cramp and ache when he tried to flap them. He felt himself going down so he was glad that Peter's house wasn't far. He managed to make it through the window before he collapsed on Peter's bed breathing heavy.

Peter followed him and tumbled onto the bed. He looked over to Abandon before he took off his mask. "Are you ready?"

Abandon growled and turned over, his fur still spiked with blood. "Ready for what," he muttered as he tried to give himself a quick grooming. The blood tasted sour and rank so he was convinced it wasn't his, at least not most of it.

"We're heading back to the lab," he explained as he stood up and looked to Abandon.

"When," gasped Abandon as he turned around and tumbled from the bed. "Now?"

Peter chuckled a bit. "Yes now. This lizard is a real threat and if he's Dr. Conners as I suspect then-"

"Peter," argued Abandon as he forced himself into sitting position. "We went to the sewer before and we alerted Mr. Stacey about our hunches and both of them showed nothing."

"I know it's him," corrected Peter as he began to pace in his room. "He was the only one who knew enough about cross species genetics to pull something like this off. Besides he has only one arm so he has means."

"I'm sure there are plenty other one armed cross species genetics scientists," scoffed Abandon as he rolled his eyes.

Peter stopped pacing and turned to look at Abandon. He raised an eyebrow and Abandon sighed. "Yeah probably not I guess."

"Come on Abandon," begged Peter as he kneeled down and looked at Abandon right in the eyes. "We have to stop this before it escalates into something more."

"Something more," echoed Abandon in horror. "Like what? He's attacked the Brooklyn Bridge and a high school! What more does that thing want?!"

"I don't know," confessed Peter as he stood up and began pacing again which made Abandon's head spin. "That's what we have to find out and the only lead we have is the sewer. We have to get back there."

Abandon leaped back on the bed and flopped down, his eyes blinking madly as he tried to stay awake. "Alright but do we have to go now?"

"Yes," Peter urged as he shook Abandon's shoulders. "He could be planning something very soon and we don't want to be too late!"

"Too late my tail," snapped Abandon before he rested his head on the blankets and grumbled half to himself. Peter let him talk to himself since he knew that eventually Abandon would come around and go with him. Abandon suddenly looked up and twitched his tail. "On hour."

"What," Peter asked, a bit confused about what he actually wanted.

"One hour here is all I ask," murmured Abandon as he took off his metal talons and curled his claws into his pads before he released them to their full extend. "I just want to relax a bit because if we go now I will be little or no use."

Peter knew that was the best offer he had so he just nodded. "Fine one hour but not a minute more."

Abandon rose to his paws and tore off the rest of his costume. He then curled up on the bed and yawned as he rested his head on his paws. "That's all I ask." He closed his eyes tightly. "Wake me up in one hour but trust me I will know if you wake me up a heartbeat earlier."

Peter beamed before he sat in his chair and turned to his computer. "Sounds good I'll just do some research."

Abandon yawned again. "Knock yourself out." In the next few heartbeats he fell asleep.

Peter laughed before he turned to his computer and decided to see everything that BING had on lizards.

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