What Happened?

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Abandon felt something cool run down his face. He blinked open an eye and saw Peter sitting on a chair a few paces away from him. He groaned and tried to lift his head but something heavy and wet was planted firmly on his forehead and he was forced to place his head back down.

Peter suddenly looked over and darted to his feet. He rushed to Abandon's side and stretched out a hand as he rested it on Abandon's paw. "Oh Abandon," he gasped in shock. "You're alright!"

Abandon blinked his eyes a few times. "What happened," he grunted as he looked around and realized he was in a strange white room on yet another strange bed that moved.

"You had smoke inhalation and some carbon monoxide poisoning from the car," Peter explained as he looked over to the window which was now bright with new light. He wondered how long he had slept.

"You almost died of the fever alone that it brought," Peter rambled on but Abandon was struggling to listen. "The vets saved you though and you should be fine in a few days."

Abandon's tail thumped against the bed. "I'm sure this is going to cost you a fortune," he sighed darkly. "You can't afford this."

Peter smiled a bit. "You know that girl you saved? Well her family came to see you and they payed everything in full. It didn't cost me anything."

Abandon's eyes widened in utter shock. "That's a miracle!" He tried to sit up but the effort faltered and he fell back against the bed groaning a bit.

"Careful," chided Peter as he pointed to an IV that hung above him. "You don't want to yank that out."

Abandon's eyes turned to narrowed slits. "Now much else did they inject in me," he wondered with a growl to his words.

Peter stretched out a hand and stroked him. "Barely anything. Most of it was IVs and some antibiotics." Abandon could tell Peter was lying but he knew now that it was probably best not to press on what had really been injected into him. However it would probably be better not to know.

"So how long have I been in here," asked Abandon as he felt fear weigh down on him. Had he wasted time here when he should have been saving people?

"Only a day," Peter murmured as he stretched out a hand and stroked his companion. Abandon rumbled in pleasure before he looked around.

"No one asked about my wings, right," he asked as he pricked his ears. The last thing he needed was for a group of wolves to think he was a freak and kill him.

Peter shook his head. "Nope. No one saw them. You must have done a great job concealing them!"

Abandon rolled his eyes. "They must have not prodded to hard." He turned his head a bit to the still dark sky and felt an urge to howl at the moon like his parents probably had done. "Hey Peter, can I tell you something crazy?"

Peter beamed and Abandon could tell that Peter lived crazy. He was the man in a skin tight red and blue suit who flew over New York. "Of course Abandon."

Abandon leaned forward and blinked his eyes. "I think I saw my parents."

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