Time's Up!

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"Abandon. Abandon wake up!"

Abandon blinked open one eye and saw Peter standing right in front of him. He yelped and leaped backwards, his head slamming into the wall. He growled and raised a paw to rub the back of his head.

"Ouch," he complained as he bared hi teeth a bit. "What was that for?"

"I wanted you to wake up," replied Peter as he straightened. "It's been one hour."

Abandon looked over at Peter's alarm clock. "So I see," he yawned as he stretched out and arched his back. "I suppose you're ready."

Peter nodded and threw Abandon's costume at him. One of his metal talons holds nearly caught his ear but he ducked in time and it stuck into the wall. He tore it out before he fit it firmly on his claws. "So what are you expecting to find again so I know what to look for?"

"I don't know what I'm looking for," Peter confessed as he placed on his mask which was the only part of his costume that he didn't already have on. "But I'll know it when I see it."

"That's reassuring," huffed Abandon as he struggled to attack one of his talon holds for his hind claw. When he eventually got it he clicked his claws in and out.

"I hoping to find plans about how much he used," Peter explained as he sat down, impatiently waiting for Abandon to finished.

Abandon moved onto his next talon holder. It got a lot harder the more paws were in the holders since the metal was extremely sharp and didn't aid in the process of fitting another paw into a talon holder. "Then what do you want to do with is?"

"Maybe fix whatever is out of balance and have him grow his arm back but not turn into that green lizard," Peter suggested.

Abandon bristled his fur as he placed the last talon holder on. "I doubt that he wants to turn back into the doctor," he argued as he turned to his wing spikes. "He seems to like being the green freaked lizard."

"Have you asked him that," asked Peter as he sat Abandon place on his foreleg covers. He thought it was more style than protection but he wasn't about to ask Abandon what they were for.

Abandon shook his head. "No not exactly but I really didn't have the time considering he was trying to kill me last time I saw him!"

Peter chuckled before Abandon placed on his helmet and looked to Peter. "Alright. I'm ready."

Peter readied himself and he shot out a web out of the window. "I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this Abandon."

Abandon shook his head. "It's fine. Besides I want to bring this lizard down as much as you do. It's just a matter of time before I claw out his eyes!"

Peter chuckled before he readied himself. "Then I'll give it to you first chance I get!"

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