Getting Ready With Interuptions

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Abandon waited until Peter emerged from school. He had his skateboard held under his arm with his back pack slung over his shoulder where their disguises in it. He caught sight of Abandon and surged toward him.

"Guess what," whispered Peter in shock and excitement.

"I think I know," rumbled Abandon as he rubbed his head against Peter's leg to nudge him along. "Did Gwen ask you over for dinner?"

Peter's eyes widened. "How did you know," he asked Abandon as he started forward on his skateboard with Abandon hustling after him.

"Sheba asked me the same thing," Abandon explained as he picked up the pace a bit, his shoulders rippling when he walked.

"You said yes though, right," Peter asked hopefully as he veered down a street that wasn't traveled ofter. When it was traveled it was usually by those who were drunk and didn't believe anything that they saw.

Once they turned on the street Abandon flapped his wings and took to the sky a bit so he was level with Peter so they could talk. "Of course I did! I'm not stupid."

Suddenly police cruisers surged past them. There was at least five of them and Peter looked over his shoulder. He looked at Abandon who rolled his eyes. "No. No."

"We have to," murmured Peter as he ducked into an alley with needles littering the ground, probably from heroin addicts. "It will only take a second."

Abandon sighed as Peter tossed him his helmet. He struggled but he managed to thrust it on before he stepped into his sleeves and talon covers with his wing knives last. He looked to Peter who was in his spandex and he snorted in amusement. "It's worth it just to see you in that," teased Abandon.

Peter punched his shoulder before he shot a web and set off into the air. Abandon thrust out his wings and surged forward, the wind carrying him. He spread his feathers and felt the air buffer him a bit and allow him just to glide. Peter suddenly turned and Abandon did the same.

When Abandon looked down he saw men robbing a small convince store. He just sighed and dove down as he tucked his wings against his side to help him maneuver better. He flew through a shattered window and stopped in front of three men, all with guns.

They turned on him and were about to pull the trigger when one gun was yanked away by a web. The man looked scared and shocked at the same time. Abandon loved seeing that face. He suddenly darted forward and brought the man to the ground with one of his claws planted firmly on the man's chest. The man screeched as his head collided with the concrete ground.

"You don't want to mess with us," snarled Abandon as he leaped for another man and slammed his helmet into his leg. The man fell on the first one and Peter took care of the last one. He then used his webs to hold them to the ground before he leaped out of the window. Abandon followed and shook his head to clear it.

"That went well," murmured Abandon before he flicked his ears. "Do you know where Gwen's house is?" Peter looked over to him and Abandon sighed. "Of course you do."

Peter led them across the city until they arrived at a large building. "We should probably change on the fire escape," suggested Peter as he swung onto it and looked down a bit, realizing how high up he was.

Abandon nodded and landed before he stretched out his wings since he knew that he couldn't do that when he was with Sheba. He then raised a paw and used his metal talons to take off his helmet. It rolled a bit and Peter placed it in his back pack along with his costume. Abandon then took off the spikes on his wings and tried his best not to look like he had just been in a fight.

"Well knock," urged Abandon before Peter took out some flowers and Abandon rolled her eyes.

Peter nodded and knocked on the glass. Gwen turned in her desk and smiled when she saw Peter on the fire escape. She opened the door and he stepped through, a bit unbalanced. Abandon followed and shook out his pelt a bit.

Sheba caught sight of him and darted forward, touching her nose to his ear. "I knew you'd come," she rumbled happily.

Abandon took a step back, surprised at the sudden display of affection toward him. "Er yeah I wouldn't miss it for anything!"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

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