Trying to Speak to Sheba

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Out of the corner of Abandon's eyes he saw Sheba saying good-bye to Gwen. Gwen pushed into the school and Abandon smiled, ready to speak to her.

Abandon pushed forward, knowing that Sheba wasn't allowed in the school either. He padded to her and murmured to himself, trying to plan what he was going to say. He had no idea what he was going to say to her but he wanted to make a lasting impression.

He bounded forward and gulped as he skidded a few paces behind her. He cleared his throat and Sheba turned around, her deep blue eyes shinning. "Hi," barked Abandon with a proud dip of his head.

"Hi," barked Sheba in a light tone which made Abandon brighten. She shuffled her paws. "I've seen you around but I'm not sure about your name."

Abandon shook his head to clear it. "I'm Abandon."

"Abandon," echoed Sheba as if she had heard him wrong.

Abandon nodded, trying to hide the pain he felt clawing at his heart. "Y-Yeah," he stammered as he looked at his paws. "What's your name."

"Er Sheba," answered Sheba as she looked at Abandon and the embarrassment that was keen on his face.

"Sheba, that's a very nice name," Abandon barked as he tried to think of things to say. "It sounds much better than my name."

"I'm sure that's not true," argued Sheba but she seemed a bit uncomfortable so he drew back.

"Well I'll see you around," barked Abandon before he turned and surged forward. He ducked behind a trash can and let out steady and deep breaths. He had blown his one chance of a first impression with Sheba. She would sure remember him but not in the way he wanted.

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