Help From Above

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Abandon sat with his head hung. Peter sat with his hand still pressed against his wound. Zorum flew around, wondering if he could do anything to help but he had no ideas. He was just there for moral support, not really fighting material. He was a bat, not a wolf like Abandon.

Abandon suddenly heard a screeching sound. He pricked his ears before he strode to the edge of the building. He looked out and saw that cranes from side buildings were turning so that Peter had something that he could fire his webs onto.

"Peter! Zorum! Come here," howled Abandon as his fur spiked in excitement.

"What is it," asked Zorum as he turned his head and flew forward. Peter just grunted but didn't move.

"It's amazing," breathed Abandon as he spread his wings, ready to fly alongside Peter. "You just need to see this."

With a rattled breath Peter managed to haul himself to his feet. He lumbered forward and gasped in shock as he saw the cranes. "Who did this," wondered Peter as he looked to Abandon who just smiled broadly.

"I don't know," confessed Abandon as he flapped his wings and lifted off from the building. "Now come on! We have to do this to stop the lizard."

Peter suddenly staggered backwards a bit and tried to get a running start. He then lumbered forward, favoring his injured leg. Abandon padded beside Peter and summoned his own strength. "We can do this," Abandon whispered as he felt his muscles tense, ready to leap and then fly. "We just need to make it to Oscorp and defeat the lizard and then we can get medical attention."

Peter nodded slowly before he picked up the pace. Abandon halted and decided that he couldn't look in case Peter fell again.

Suddenly when he closed his eyes he thought he saw two wolves standing in front of him. The first was white as snow and the other looked just like him. Their eyes glowed as they looked at Abandon. Their tails wagged and Abandon whimpered as he longed to bolt to their sides. However he felt as if his paws were rooted to the spot.


Abandon blinked his eyes open and gasped in shock. "Abandon are you alright," asked Zorum as he flapped around Abandon's eyes to try and snap him out of whatever trance he was in.

Abandon licked his lips and shook his head vigorously. "S-Sorry," he stammered in shock. "I er don't know what happened." He bit his lip and turned his head. "Let's go."

Before Zorum could ask another question Abandon darted forward and spread his wings. The air caught them nicely and he surged forward, seeing that Peter was almost already at Oscorp. Zorum flew behind him and managed to catch up with Abandon. He flew close to Abandon's ear to whisper something.

"What happened back there," he asked as he pricked his ears. "You seemed to freeze."

"I just say something that jolted me a bit, that's all," Abandon murmured dismissively before he pulled ahead, not wanting to discuss what he saw with Zorum. Zorum was his best and probably only friend beside Peter and Sheba and he didn't need to burden him with his past.

To Abandon's relief Zorum dropped it and continued forward. "What's the plan," he wondered as he tilted his wings sideways. "I mean I'm not the best fighter."

"That's fine," assured Abandon as he locked onto Oscorp tower, his eyes narrowed to unforgiving slits. "We just need to distract the lizard so Peter can surprise attack him."

"Do you really think this will work," wondered Zorum as he looked up at Abandon with hopeful eyes.

Abandon let out a hefty sigh. "It has to."

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