When Will The Pain Stop?

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A gasp sounded and Abandon darted to his paws. He spiraled around, snarling. He bared his teeth in a snarl and his ears were shoved forward. His eyes adjusted to the darkness before he realized that no one was around except for the sleeping Peter.

He relaxed a bit before he lifted a paw and drew it over his ear. He felt fresh blood flow from his shoulders and he sighed. He was wide awake now and had no idea how he could be back to sleep.

He leaped down from the bed and licked his lips. He turned his head and nudged the already falling t-shirt from his shoulder. The wound reeked and Abandon wrinkled his nose in disgust. An awful green pus flowed from the wound and Abandon rolled his eyes, knowing that infection was already spreading.

He blinked his eyes before he realized that he couldn't stay here. He needed to get out in the fresh air before he woke up Peter.

He hauled himself to his wobbly paws and strode toward the entrance of the room. He pushed his head against the door and pushed him way out, his tail skirting behind him. He tumbled into the hallway and fumbled down the stairs, nearly tripping over his own paws and tail numerous times.

Once he made it to the front door he pushed himself through and plastered his pelt against his body. He stepped out into the crisp outdoors and sniffed the air happily. He tumbled down the steps and wagged his tail happily as he saw his chance.

He spread his wings and felt the crisp air nip at his pelt. He coughed as he felt something tickle his throat. He realized it was the scent of cigarettes so he decided against the path of the scent. He suddenly spread his wings and took to the sky.

The wind carried him for a while until he flapped his own wings and traveled to the top of a building. He plastered his wings against his flank. He looked over the building and felt the breath caught in his throat. He realized how high up he was and he realized if the thrill he was feeling inside of him was from the eagle or from the wolf.

"What's a creature like you doing up here," asked a voice behind Abandon.

Abandon spun around and lashed his tail. "Who's there," he snapped as he lowered into a crouch. He snarled but suddenly the pain in his shoulder made him gasp and he collapsed a bit.

Suddenly a strange small black creature flapped toward Abandon. It's ears were very large and stuck out from it's head. It's beady eyes moved around in it's head and when it opened it's mouth Abandon saw tiny razor sharp teeth that made his fur prickle and the breath become caught in his throat.

"Hello," murmured the creature as it tipped it's head forward. "My name is Zorum."

Abandon tilted his head. "What are you," asked Abandon as he leaned forward and nearly fell from too much weight on his shoulders.

Zorum leaped back a bit, it's tiny feet tickling against the ground. "I'm a bat," he explained as he flicked one of his large ears. "However what are you?"

Abandon sighed and looked at his appearance with his wings and blood oozing from his shoulder. "Er I was a wolf who was injected with eagle DNA," he confessed with round eyes. "I know I'm not a very appeasing sight."

Zorum smiled and flapped closer. "Trust me I've seen worse!" His eyes glowed. "So what's your name?"

"Abandon," replied Abandon with a dip of his head.

Zorum blinked his eyes. "Abandon. Why did your parents name you that. It's like they were setting you up to feel alone."

Abandon sighed and shook his head. "My parents died when I was very young. I named myself."

"Oh I'm sorry," gasped Zorum as his eyes flickered in apology.

Abandon shook his head and growled. "It's not your fault," he pointed out as he shuffled his paws. "Anyway I'm surprised that you're not afraid of me."

Zorum flapped his wings. "Of course not! I don't see much of anything so anyone I see becomes an event."

Abandon had to admit that he liked this creature called a bat. He was about to ask him something else but pain raked through his shoulder and he collapsed again, gritting his teeth in agony as he struggled to breath.

"Abandon," gasped Zorum as he lowered to Abandon's side. "What's wrong."

Abandon motioned to his shoulder through grunts and moans. "A human stabbed me earlier with a dirty knife and I think it's infected," he gasped.

Zorum looked at the wound and sniffed it before he jolted back. "Yeah I'd say! You know I think I can help," he offered.

"How," asked Abandon as he curled his talons into his pads.

"Well I'm a Vampire Bat so I can take out that infected blood for you and clean the wound," murmured Zorum as he eyed the wound with hungry eyes and Abandon wondered whether or not he should trust the bat.

Suddenly another wave of pain coursed through him and he couldn't take it. "Alright fine! Just do something!"

Zorum nodded eagerly and flapped beside Abandon's head. He rested on his shoulder gingerly before he peered at it. "This may hurt a little but it will be worth it in the end," he assured before he plunged his small claws into the hole in Abandon's shoulder and scooped out some of the pus. Abandon howled in agony and thrashed around. "Stand still!"

"How can I when this hurts so much," flashed Abandon before he crouched down and growled deeply.

Zorum then moved on and began to suck at the infected blood. Abandon hated the idea knowing that he was feeding a blood thirsty bat but the pain was beginning to leave him now that the blood was leaving his body. When Zorum was finished he flapped back and Abandon stood up.

"How does that feel," asked Zorum brightly.

Abandon tensed his muscles and let out a breath of relief. "Actually pretty good. Thanks Zorum!" He wasn't feeling completely better but he was much better off than he was earlier.

"Of course," squeaked Zorum as he licked the blood from his mouth. "You just gave me a free meal!"

Abandon was a bit creeped out but he wasn't about to let that show. "Well I know it feels better and now hopefully the infection is out of my system."

Zorum smiled before he spread his wings. "Abandon will you humor me and go for a flight with me?"

"Flight," asked Abandon as he tilted his head. "Don't you have bat friends that you fly with?"

Zorum shook his head. "No. None of the other bats usually come this far into the city. I told you I don't get visitors often."

Abandon knew that he couldn't let the bat that possibly saved his life not have this one request. "Alright but you lead the way."

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