Let's Not Break the Kitchen

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Peter's alarm sounded and Abandon lifted his head. He saw Peter open up one eye before he thrust his hand down on it and it shattered to pieced.

Abandon gasped. "Great Starbound Peter! I know you hate the alarm but you didn't have to destroy it!"

Peter groaned before he sat up, his hair sticking out in all types of directions. He stretched but he looked still half asleep. Abandon hadn't gotten a good nights sleep either but he looked much better than Peter.

"Well come on," Abandon barked as he pushed his head against Peter's back as he tried to force him to his paws. "It's time to go!"

Peter sighed and stood up, making Abandon nearly fall of the bed. He readjusted himself and began to make the bed, neatly and efficiently. Meanwhile Peter tried getting dressed but he looked like a zombie.

"Come on," chided Abandon as he tried to seem lively and he hoped it would rub off on his companion. "You can't still be tired. We didn't go to bed that late."

Peter sighed and rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. "I know but for some reason I'm still tired."

"You'll feel better once you get your face wet," suggested Abandon as he spread his wings and flapped them so he could be eye level. He hated when Peter looked down on him, literally. "Or at least it should perk you up."

Peter nodded and strode toward the bathroom before he opened the door. Abandon followed and pushed forward. They strode into the bathroom and Peter grabbed his toothbrush. He opened the toothpaste and was about to spread it on his toothbrush but it suddenly squirted on the mirror. Abandon flicked his tail tip and frowned. Perhaps Peter was angrier than Abandon had first thought.

Peter sighed and just ran his toothbrush against the toothpaste on the mirror. He then stretched out a hand to turn on the sink. His hand suddenly pulled off the control to the cold water. Abandon flapped his wings before Peter turned and grabbed the top of the shower. It snapped and he thrust it over the still squirting nob.

Abandon flapped in front of Peter's eyes and tried to get him to focus on him. "Peter can you look at me," asked Abandon before Peter turned to look at him with sparkling eyes. "Are you sure you're alright."

"I've been better," Peter confessed but he shook his head. "I'm sure it was just a fluke though. I'm fine Abandon."

Abandon landed against the ground and whimpered a bit. "Alright if you're sure. Let's go."

They turned and strode down the stairs. Peter slung his back pack over his shoulder that he had left at the end of the hallway the night before after he had eaten almost all of the food in the fridge.

"Going to school," he called before both Aunt May and Uncle Ben called to have a good day at school. Peter and Abandon strode out of the house and padded down the sidewalk.

"So just don't touch anything," suggested Abandon as he pushed forward before he lifted a wing and began to chew on the feathers a bit. He was molting.

"I'll try," assured Peter. After that they walked in silence for the rest of the time. They soon arrived at Peter's school and Peter stroked Abandon between the ears. "See you later Abandon. Don't get into trouble."

Abandon flicked his tail over his shoulders. "Don't worry I won't," he barked before he sighed and strode toward the alleyway. Training once more.

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