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Peter and Abandon went to bed fairly early since Peter had a final exam the next day to decide whether or not in math he would move on to 11th grade but Abandon was sure he would pass.

However it wasn't Peter that was having a restless sleep. Abandon thrashed around, whimpering and yelping in his sleep. He kept seeing men coming toward him with injections full with experimental liquid. They were ready to inject him and see what happened next, not caring if he died.

He saw the scientist again, chuckling and pointing at him in excitement. He saw himself as a freak, an experiment but the scientist saw him as successful. He wanted to make many more of eagle-wolves so that he could be credited with making a new species but he didn't care what happened to them once he was finished with them.

Peter woke up with a jolt as he realized that Abandon was in distress, moaning and crying in his sleep. He pawed at the sky and called out things that Peter didn't understand since he seemed to be speaking in another language. He threw the covers off of him and leaned forward, gingerly prodding Abandon in the ribs.

"Abandon," he whispered as he ruffled his fur a bit. "Abandon please wake up."

Abandon cried more in his sleep since he thought that the scientist was stroking him or rubbing him with rubbing alcohol. He did this when he was ready to give Abandon another injection.

Abandon woke up and darted to his paws. His eyes burned in fury and narrowed to those of an eagle's. He snarled before he felt a sharp pain in his flank. He looked down and saw bright crimson blood. He fell on the bed, his eyes round in shock.

Peter rushed to his feet and he turned on the lights. He rushed back to bed and flipped Abandon over. He realized that in his sleep Abandon had sliced his own flank. Peter continued to shake Abandon while applying pressure to his wound. It wasn't deep but it was large enough to cause major blood loss if left untreated.

"Abandon it's alright. It's okay."

Abandon's eyes flickered back open and he let out a ragged breath. He looked down at the dripping blood and Peter's hand against his flank. He nudged Peter's hand and tried to lick his wound. Wolf saliva had healing properties on wounds and scratches. Once the bleeding stopped Peter removed his hand and wiped it on his shirt.

"I'm sorry," gasped Abandon as he took his paw and placed it on his head. He had a splitting headache from thrashing around. He had probably hit his head on the wall numerous times. "I'm so sorry."

"Hey, it's alright," chided Peter as he rested a hand on Abandon's flank, trying to calm him down. "What happened?"

"Nightmare," he rasped as he forced himself to his paws. He felt a little dizzy and black spots clouded his vision a bit but he shook his head and sighed. "It's over now. I'm sorry I woke you and got blood on your clothes and hands."

"Blood washes out," Peter pointed out as he took off his shirt which he used to soak up some of Abandon's blood and tossed it in his dirty clothes pile. "I'm worried about you Abandon."

Abandon shook his head. "No need. You have enough on your plate. I'm sorry that you ever found me. If you hadn't then you wouldn't have had all of these problems."

Peter's eyes widened. "It is not your fault! Besides you are helping me just as much as I'm helping you. You just can't see it yet," he pointed out as he tugged another clean shirt from his drawn and threw it over his head and pulled it down.

Abandon sighed and squeezed his eyes shut in pain. "You're right, I can't see it yet." He curled back into a ball and sighed. "How much longer until you're done with school."

"Tomorrow," answered Peter before he laid back on his bed, laughing. "I wish. In about a month, not counting the snow days." He put his hands behind his head and looked up. "Then in about three months I'm going to eleventh and then it's just one more year and then I'm out of there."

"What do you want to go to college for," asked Abandon, hoping he got it right. He forgot what happened after school, he thought it was college.

Peter shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. Some type of science I think."

Abandon nodded before he yawned, showing his canine teeth. His eyes dropped and his whole body felt heavy. Peter leaned forward and patted a place by his feet. "You might feel safer sleeping here."

He nodded and padded to where Peter's feet were. He pressed against them, relieved to feel something against him. The last thing that he had felt close to was his mother and he hardly remembered that. He blinked the tears from his eyes and tried to control his breathing. He didn't want to keep Peter up any longer than he had already done.

"Thanks," mumbled Abandon as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

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