Oscop Studies

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Abandon and Peter strode toward Oscorp tower. "Do you really think this man could help," Abandon asked as he tried to walk in front of Peter but Peter was much quicker than he was.

"Of course I do," assured Peter as he nudged Abandon a bit out of the way. Abandon growled and flapped his wings. He flew to Peter's level and curled his claws or talons over into themselves. "You don't have to worry about me."

"I'm not," argued Abandon although it was a lie. "I'm a bit worried that you are going to go insane looking for your father! He did leave for a reason."

Peter looked on him and curled his lip. "Yes I suppose but I hate not knowing why," Peter growled and Abandon lowered to the ground as people passed.

"I didn't know my parents either but I'm not about to do something I'm going to regret to find them," Abandon pointed out as he clicked his fangs together.

Peter narrowed his eyes before he threw his head to the side. "You don't have to come," he pointed out.

Abandon snorted and pushed forward, curling his claws in on himself. He felt blood fall onto the ground and he shook his head to clear it. Once the two of them composed themselves they strode in, ready to talk to Dr. Conners and see if he could do anything to help with Peter's past.

The glass and slick stone was now familiar to both of them and this time they didn't have to sneak to get past the security. "So what are you hoping he's going to say," Abandon asked as they stepped into the elevator and they were alone for a few heartbeats.

"I don't know," confessed Peter as he shuffled madly. Abandon looked at him and tilted his head.

"Don't worry. It's all going to be alright," Abandon assured before the door opened and Peter stepped out with Abandon following. They strode down the hallways and Abandon felt like he had just been here, which he had been only a few days ago. Everything felt so expensive to him and he was afraid he could break anything he touched with just a graze of his tail.

"Here it is," Peter murmured before he opened up the door and stepped through with Abandon following right behind him.

Once they pushed in Dr. Conners immediately took Peter away and left Abandon just standing there. He snorted in amusement at watching the two but he knew that he didn't just want to stand there like a tree. He began looking around for something to do.

He caught sight of some very brightly colored creatures in the corner. He tilted his head and romped forward as quietly as he could. He wanted to see what experiments they were conducting here, if any. He was a bit worried that they were being used for human's greed like he had been but he decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.

He strode to the enclosure where he saw parakeets were being held. They looked over to him and turned a bit to get a better glance at him.

"What are you," one parakeet, a female asked as she tipped her wing a bit to point at his flank. She could see his wings!

Abandon shuffled his paws in embarrassment. "I'm not actually sure," he confessed as he looked up. "What are you?"

"Lost taloned birds," answered the other parakeet as he flew down beside the other who Abandon assumed who was his mate. He lifted one leg and Abandon was surprised that he didn't have any talons.

The female parakeet turned to show Abandon her feathers. They were patchy and falling out and he cringed a bit. "What's happening to you two?"

The male shrugged a bit as he leaned down. "I'm not sure. They took us from our rehab and brought us here for testing."

"Testing," echoed Abandon as his blood ran cold. "What kind of testing?"

Before Abandon could say anything more Peter called for him. He frowned and turned. He barked and surged forward, disgusted at what they were doing at Oscorp.

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