Wishing Dreams Were Real

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As soon as Abandon closed his eyes and suddenly saw the white wolf and the dark brown and white wolf. They stood pressed against each other, licking each others cheeks. They spoke to each other quickly before they turned their attention in Abandon's direction.

Abandon thought they wanted him closer but suddenly a tiny brown and white pup darted between his paws. The pup bounded up to the two wolves' sides and yipped. He licked at the wolves' chins and wagged his tail madly.

Abandon whimpered as suddenly the pup was taken away from the other two wolves. The two adult wolves howled in shock and surged forward, ready to protect their pup but they were suddenly both shot by a human weapon. Abandon gasped and his fur spiked, fearful that they would go after him. To his relief they didn't but they were very interested in the pup.

They looked at the pup that they held in their grasp while the pups wailed, probably for his parents. The humans just chuckled before they gave him a mild sedative. He went limp and Abandon realized that he couldn't watch anymore.

He turned and lashed his tail. "I can't watch this," he murmured in his chest fur. He just wanted to wake up from this dream. He had had it numerous times before and he really didn't need it being repeated. He knew that these were his parents and he was the little pup but this pup was older than he had been when he was taken away from his parents. "Why do you always insist I watch this?!"

Abandon wasn't even sure who he was howling at in rage. He was accustomed now to howling at nothing or at the air. No one ever answered him. Sometimes he thought he heard the wind talking to him but he then realized it was just wishful thinking. He imagined that wolves would come out and try to explain to him exactly what happened but that was never a reality. It was just his wishful thinking again.

"Why do you bring me here when nothing comes out of this," spat Abandon as he prowled around, wondering if he would find anyone hiding, watching him like prey. "What does this accomplish?"

'Nothing,' thought Abandon as he bit his lip until he tasted blood in his mouth. He spat the blood out onto the ground and sighed heavily. 'The only thing that this accomplishes is making me regret my life.'

He let out a snarl before he laid down and rested his head on his paws. He pricked his ears and thought that he heard wolves talking in the distance but he feared he would never be able to pinpoint their location. "Please don't do this again," he begged, praying that someone was listening. "This doesn't help anyone."

He was glad that they hadn't scent him a nightmare but he still didn't want to be here, watching what humans had did to his parents. Yet he was spending his whole life trying to protect those who could have killed his parents. This wasn't the first time that he questioned whether or not he was on the right side.

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