Tracking Zorum

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Abandon tilted his wings a bit to adjust them to the wind. He then turned his body and found the building that Zorum usually stayed at. In his rush of excitement he came down too hard. His front paws slammed on the cement and he let out an antagonizing howl. He flipped over himself and landed harshly on his back, his whole body yowling in protest.

"Abandon, is that you?"

Abandon lifted his head and saw Zorum peeking his tiny head from around a pipe. His eyes narrowed a bit as he struggled to see in the light. This was usually the time that Zorum would be just waking up or still trying to sleep until the last moment.

"Zorum," Abandon gasped as he struggled to haul himself to his paws. "Just the bat I'm looking for!"

"I didn't know you knew any other bats," teased Zorum as he flapped his velvety wings and landed beside his friend.

"I don't," muttered Abandon as he hauled himself to his paws. He shook his head to clear it although it was more throbbing than disoriented. "That's why I need your help."

"Help," squeaked Zorum as he looked at Abandon with unblinking eyes. "I can't be very much help to a wolf like you Freedom."

Abandon shuffled his paws in embarrassment. "I'm just like you Zorum and I need you help," he begged as he leaned forward and jutted his nose again Zorum's shoulder. "Please!"

"What do you need," asked Zorum as he crossed his wings and looked at me.

"Do you know that lizard that attacked the bridge a little bit ago," asked Abandon however he would be surprised if Zorum didn't remember. That was the only thing that the news was talking about these days. When Zorum nodded Abandon continued rapidly. "Well he plans to turn all of New York City into lizards!"

"Can he even do that," asked Zorum as he hoped backwards, wondering if he should really be helping and if he would really be that much help.

"I think so," murmured Abandon as he swayed his tail back and forth. "At least he believes he can."

"What do you want me to do," asked Zorum with new confidence as he flapped his wings and looked down on Abandon.

Abandon perked up and wagged his tail. "You and I need to distract the lizard. Hopefully then my companion will be able to deliver the fatal blow before anything happens."

"I'm sure he will," assured Zorum as he flew around Abandon. "Where do we start first."

Abandon leaped in the air and flapped his own wings. "The first step is patrolling. We need to see where the lizard will strike and then how we can keep him occupied."

"Great idea," breathed Zorum as he pointed his wings in front of you. "Lead the way."

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