Lizard Attack

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Abandon landed on the side of Oscorp building, his tail lashing. He turned his head and saw Zorum landing beside him. "Where's Peter," asked Abandon as he looked around vigorously.

"I don't know," confessed Zorum as he flapped his wings and looked around.

Abandon was about to look for him but he suddenly heard a bellowing sound. The lizard was climbing to the top of the Oscorp tower, with something in a green tube clamped in his hands or claws. "We have to stop him," interrupted Abandon as he bunched his shoulders.

"Stop him," echoed Zorum as he perched himself on Abandon's shoulders. "How can a wolf and a sorry excuse for a bat stop a lizard like that."

"Come on," called Abandon as he flapped his wings and tried to scale the side of the building with Zorum struggling to keep up. Abandon flew as high as he could and landed right in front of the lizard. He couldn't see Peter anywhere but he knew that he couldn't be far behind.

"Look if it isn't Peter Parker's pet," spat the lizard as he eyed Abandon in amusement.

Abandon bunched his muscles. "I am not his pet," corrected Abandon as he raised his muzzle proudly. "I am his companion."

"Companion, pet whatever," howled the lizard as he turned and his tail nearly collided with Abandon's head but he ducked quickly. Zorum ducked as well and looked to the green substance in the tube that the lizard clutched tightly.

"Distract him," whispered Zorum as he tiptoed behind Abandon, looking for the right opportunity to strike. "I'll grab whatever that green stuff is. It can't be good."

Abandon gave a curt nod before he puffed out his tail to hide Zorum until he darted forward. "So what do you hope to accomplish from doing all this, Dr. Conners," Abandon inquired as he plastered his ears against his head.

The lizard spun around, hissing. "That's not my name. I'm the Lizard!"

Abandon rolled his eyes. "Okay, Lizard what do you want to accomplish."

"I want everyone to be like me," the Lizard replied as he glared down on Abandon and Abandon felt his fur grow hot. Fear rushed though him and he wondered if he knew that Zorum was behind him. "Everyone to not be weak!"

"What about animals like me," pressed Abandon as he clawed at the ground impatiently. "Do you think that animals need to be fixed too?"

"That is up for debate," murmured the Lizard as he prowled closer to Abandon. Abandon lowered his head into his shoulders.

"Now Zorum," muttered Abandon in his chest fur. "Do it now!"

Zorum darted from behind Abandon. The Lizard hissed as he saw Zorum and was about to leap for him before Abandon launched forward. He sunk his teeth into the Lizard's leg. Blood oozed onto the ground but Abandon knew he could heal himself and even regenerate limbs. He was just stalling.

Abandon looked up and saw Zorum flying through the air, ready to come down on the lizard's hand. Zorum landed on the lizard's hand and used one of his legs to kick the vile out of the lizard's grasp. The lizard yowled in shock as the vile tumbled off of Oscorp's tower and down below.

The lizard looked at Zorum in rage. It showed in his eyes and when he opened his mouth Abandon saw the hundreds of teeth in his mouth. "You won't ruin my plans again!"

The Lizard raised his other hand before he shoved his claws into Zorum's chest. Zorum gasped in shock and his eyes widened like moons. Blood oozed from the puncture wounds and his breath hitched. He looked down to Abandon and tried to mouth something but his mouth just gaped open and nothing came out.

The Lizard suddenly threw his hand sideways and Zorum fell from the Lizard's hand. He hovered in the air for a few seconds before he fell to the depths below.

Abandon darted toward the edge of the Oscorp building. "NO!"

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