Consequences For Your Actions

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Abandon managed to lead Peter back home where the police were already waiting. They talked to them a while about what they thought happened and stuff like that.

Abandon was having trouble paying attention so he just brushed against Peter to comfort him. He was leaning against the wall, looking at his feet and felt the grief begin to take him over.

Abandon wanted to say something but he couldn't. He kept reciting what he should say and what he wanted to say but they didn't add up. He shook his head to clear it before he sighed and just laid down, resting a paw over his head.

He must have dozed off since he was awoken by a prod in the ribs. It was Peter's foot and Abandon looked up, his eyes droopy.

"Come on Abandon," Peter called before he bounded up the stairs, making as less noise as possible.

Abandon frowned before he darted forward and followed Peter up the stairs. He noticed that Peter was clutching a piece of paper tightly, so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. Abandon suddenly turned and darted into Peter's room before he could lock it. He looked up at Peter who suddenly collapsed against the wall.

"Peter," gasped Abandon as he surged forward and pressed his head against Peter's hand as if began to shake. "Peter I'm so sorry!"

"You will never know," complained Peter as he turned away from Abandon. "How it feels to lose someone you love."

"I lost my parents," corrected Abandon as his fur began to bristle.

Peter narrowed his eyes to slits. "Yeah you didn't even remember it. At least I remembered my parents! Now they're gone and so is Uncle Ben!"

Abandon clutched his talons before he unclenched them and took in a breath. "I'll forgive you but only because I know that you are hurting and you don't mean what you said."

"Why didn't you fly over and save him," snapped Peter as he clenched his own fists. "You could have stopped that man!"

"So could you," Abandon pointed out with eyes narrowed to rage filled slits. "So could you. Don't blame me for something that you didn't do!"

Peter fumed and turned his head away from Abandon. "You don't know how hard this is Abandon?"

Abandon struggled to keep his fur laying flat. "Yes I do. I know how hard this is because I've been through it. I didn't just lose my parents, I lost friends in the lab. Failed experiments to humans like you."

Peter looked like he wanted to say something but he then looked at his phone. It suddenly dinged, telling him that he had a message. He opened the phone and realized it was from his uncle. He listened to the message and began sobbing once more.

Abandon knew that Peter had said some hurtful comments but he knew he was still grieving. He strode over to his friend and pushed his muzzle into Peter's shoulder as he lay crumpled in grief.

"It's going to be alright," assured Abandon as he laid beside Peter as he rested his head on Peter's leg and felt his eyes begin to droop. Despite himself he was very tired and wanted nothing more than to get some rest. "Now it won't benefit anyone if you're too exhausted to do anything."

Peter sniffed before he rose to his feet and shuffled forward. Abandon followed and swayed his tail. Peter quickly changed before he fell into his bed, face down. Tears still streamed down his face and Abandon wasn't sure what to do now.

He leaped onto the bed and rested his head on one of Peter's feet and sighed. "It could always be worse," he pointed out although once he said it he instantly regretted it. That made it sound like he didn't care. Abandon realized how awful he was at comforting others.

"I know but that doesn't make me feel any better," Peter flashed as he rolled over and the foot was yanked from Abandon's grasp.

"Yes I realized that after I said it," Abandon murmured as he licked a paw before he drew it over his ear. "I just want you to know how truly sorry I am for your loss."

"Thanks Abandon," Peter mumbled before he fixed his pillow before he shoved his head into it.

"Of course," mumbled Abandon as he yawned and showed his teeth. "Are you going to school tomorrow?"

"I have to," Peter muttered before he swatted his head toward Abandon and it collided with his ear. "Now that's enough discussion for tonight. Let's get some sleep."

"That's all I want," chuckled Abandon as curled into a ball and rested his muzzle under his paw. He quickly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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