Accident On the Subway

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Abandon heard laughing and tried to block it out. Wolves had exception hearing so he couldn't blame the eagle DNA for this. He just placed a paw over his ear and groaned inwardly. He pressed closer against the seat and groaned.

Suddenly a larger man with a bottle of bear drew closer. He laughed and hushed everyone on the subway before he placed his beer on Peter's forehead. The man laughed hysterically and Abandon lashed his tail. Suddenly Peter leaped up and the beer went flying. It splattered all over a girl's nice shirt.

"I'm so sorry," Peter apologized before he reached out a hand and placed it on her shoulder. He tried to tug it off but he couldn't. Panic began to set in and Abandon strode toward him. He tilted his head, confused at what Peter was doing.

"Hey get your hand off of her," a man, probably her boyfriend, shouted at Peter. It seemed to rattle the car and Abandon growled a bit, ready to back Peter up.

"I can't," confessed Peter as he tried tugging his hand from the girl's shirt. "It's just stuck I don't know why."

"Let her go," snapped the man before he pushed Peter. The shirt suddenly was ripped from the girl's body and it was still connected to Peter's hand. The girl gasped in shock and tried to cover herself up.

"I'm so sorry." The man suddenly screeched before he darted forward. Peter leaped and kicked him to the ground. Abandon's eyes widened. He didn't remember Peter being that good of a fighter.

He suddenly started to fight everyone in the car. He snapped a pole and hit someone in the head. He turned and Abandon had to duck or his head would have been thrown off. Once everyone was on the ground, groaning and moaning the pole detached itself from Peter's hand.

"I am so sorry," Peter repeated as he looked at all of them but he realized that no one was about to accept his apology.

"What was that," asked Abandon as he looked at Peter with narrowed eyes. "What got into you that you can suddenly do that?"

"I don't know," confessed Peter as the subway and he picked up the skateboard that he broke. "Aww man."

"That was your own fault," Abandon pointed out as he kinked his tail over his back. "I still can't believe you fought that good though. I mean no offense but Flash beat you up a few days ago."

Peter turned on Abandon and grasped the harness. "Let's just get home. Do you mind if I grasp onto this?"

Abandon shook his head as he led Peter forward. He lashed his tail a bit as he walked. The sky was dark but the New York street lights were still on which meant it was never truly dark. He led Peter safely to the house before he stopped him and threw the skateboard aside. "Okay you need to look like you just didn't get into a bar fight."

Peter sighed and tried to fix his hair but Abandon knew it was no use. "Alright just act natural."

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