Finding Dr. Conners' True Desire

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Abandon and Peter flew through the air until they landed at the place that would be the best to enter the sewer system. Abandon landed first and plastered his wings against his flank. Peter landed and began to cloth himself in normal clothes. Abandon hurried and took off his own costume before he looked to Peter.

"You first," Abandon offered as he looked into the dark way that was the sewer. "I certainly don't want to be the first one."

Peter strode forward with Abandon pressed tightly to his leg in terror. He looked around, expecting a lizard to jump out at him and try to kill him. His fur was bristled in terror before he let out a deep breath.

"Do you think the lizard is in here," asked Abandon as he sniffed the air. It was too dark and murky though so he couldn't scent anything.

"I don't think so," whispered Peter as he stalked forward slowly. "If he was here then I think we would know by now."

Abandon nodded in agreement before he heard something. "Follow me," Abandon called as he darted forward. Peter followed and Abandon splashed water against his underbelly. He then halted as he saw something glimmering in front of him.

"Great Lupus," he gasped as he pushed forward but he allowed Peter to take the lead. He was a little nervous about what they might find.

Peter took the lead and Abandon flanked him a bit. They pushed into what seemed like a makeshift lab. It wasn't complete state of the arts but it would certainly do for whatever Dr. Conners needed. Abandon looked around and realized that research was everywhere as well as everything on lizards.

"What do you think he wants to do with all this," asked Abandon as he reared onto his hind legs and looked at all of the research that littered a desk.

Peter was about to answer before he turned to a computer screen. It showed Oscorp tower. There was a strange contraption at the top. It showed them Dr. Conners injecting a serum into it and then the serum would turn all of the citizens of New York City into whatever Dr. Conners was.

"That's not good," Peter murmured before Abandon took a horrified step back. He looked up at Peter with his mouth gaped open.

"What are we going to do," asked Abandon as he tried to wrap his head around how they could possibly stop him.

"I don't know," confessed Peter as he shook his head to clear it madly. He had no idea how they would stop Dr. Conners but he knew that he had to try.

"Well we have to stop him right," Abandon pointed out as his fur fluffed.

"Yes but how," Peter wondered aloud.

Abandon bristled his fur and licked his lips. "We'll have to think of something and fast."

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