Making A New Friend

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Abandon readied himself for flight before he looked toward Zorum who spread his own wings. His wings were not feathers but silkier and all one piece. Abandon was curious about Zorum's wings but he wasn't about to say anything that would frighten him away.

"Are you ready," asked Zorum as he lifted his head. H wasn't sure about Abandon's strengths so he would just have to wait and see how Abandon flew.

"As ready as I'm going to get," murmured Abandon as he dipped his head. "You don't need to slow down for me though."

"It's alright," assured Zorum before he tipped his wings. "Do you want to go first?"

Abandon chuckled before he held his head up high. "Yeah just make sure you keep up!" He darted forward and leaped from the building, his wings sprawled out. The wind caught his wings and he took higher and higher.

Zorum gasped before he darted forward and flew to the sky. He yowled before he flew toward Abandon and brushed his wings against his ear. Abandon looked up and beamed at Zorum. He was surprised at how fast he could fly but this was the first time he met a bat.

"You're not as slow as I thought you'd be," murmured Zorum as he flew under Abandon's neck. Abandon blinked his eyes a few times.

"Well thanks," Abandon rumbled before he butted his head against Zorum a bit and urged him ahead of him. "So how long have you lived on that building?"

"About a year now," recalled Zorum. "I was separated from my group when I was young so I just stayed were I was. There are a lot of insects for me to eat."

Abandon suddenly realized that his life wasn't as pathetic as he made it out to be. He just shook his head to clear it before he tilted his wings a bit and flew toward the edge of another building. He landed and plastered his wings to his body. He turned to see Zorum following.

"Tired," he asked as he eyed Abandon who sat panting a bit.

"Yeah sorry," apologized Abandon as he took in a few raspy breaths with blank eyes. "I just didn't think that flight would be as hard as walking."

"It's alright Abandon," assured Zorum before he lifted his ears and turned his head to the sky. The sun was beginning to show over the horizon and Zorum leaped back behind Abandon.

"Don't like the sun," asked Abandon as he shoved his ears forward.

Zorum shook his head before he hopped toward Abandon's face. "No I just prefer the darkness. It's when I'm usually awake."

Abandon snorted. "I wish I could sleep during the day since I don't sleep at night," he grumbled.

Zorum frowned before he raised his wings. "I better be getting back but I'd love to see you again if you're around."

Abandon nodded vigorously. "I'll come back tonight if you like," he offered as his tail wagged. It wasn't like he was going to sleep any better. He almost never slept anymore.

Zorum smiled. "Alright. I'll see you then." He then flapped his wings repeatedly before he took to the sky and flapped toward his building that he called his home.

After a few heartbeats Abandon realized he should get back to Peter. He didn't want Peter to wake up and realize he wasn't there. "Time to go," murmured Abandon as he kinked his tail over his shoulders before he flapped his wings and took off toward his home.

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