Tensions Rise When Meeting An Enemy

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Abandon woke up from his haze. He sighed and licked his lips a bit and tasted the dried blood. He suddenly lifted his head and shook it as he tried to abase the buzzing in his ears. He took in a ragged breath and when he looked up Oscorp didn't look so great.

"Peter," he cried as he hauled himself to his paws. He pressed too much weight on his popped out shoulder and he let out an awful sound between a wail and a growl. He immediately lifted his paw and let out a hollow breath. He regained his strength and strode forward, favoring his injured leg.

He then realized that flying was the best way to get to the top of Oscorp. At least his wings weren't injured. He spread them and took to the sky. He flapped them as hard as he could but every time he did he felt tension grip his shoulder. He gritted his teeth in pain.

He managed to fly to the top as he looked over the side of the building. "Peter," he inquired as he looked around but he couldn't see his companion. "Peter!" He suddenly covered his mouth with his good paw. "I mean Spiderman! Spiderman!"

He saw red and blue spandex out of the corners of his eye. He turned and flew around the side of the building, rumbling happily. He saw Peter or Spiderman helping up Dr. Conners who now looked like Dr. Conners instead of a giant lizard. Abandon flew toward him and landed close to Peter's leg. He looked up at Peter and Peter gasped in terror.

Abandon knew that he probably looked terrible even through his mask. "What happened to you? Where were you?!"

"I-" Abandon began but he suddenly caught sight of Dr. Conners. A growl rolled deeply in his throat and his fur bristled. "You!"

"Me what," asked Dr. Conners as he looked to Abandon. He saw the rage in Abandon's eyes and his own eyes lit in terror and he skirted back as far as he could manage. "What's wrong?"

"You killed my friend," spat Abandon as his muscles rippled as he took a step forward and licked his lips.

"Friend," echoed Dr. Conners as he looked to Abandon in shock as if he didn't know what he was talking about.

"The bat," snarled Abandon as he drew so close to Dr. Conners that he could smell his terror scent. It was taking everything in him not to charge at the doctor and sink his teeth into his flab of an arm. "You killed that bat and that bat was my best friend! For that I will kill you!"

Dr. Conners gasped as Abandon surged forward. Peter suddenly grasped Abandon by the scruff and hauled him away from Dr. Conners. He threw Abandon aside and Abandon landed on his dislocated shoulder. He howled in agony and squeezed his eyes shut in agony. He struggled to push himself to his paws and pain seared through ever hair on his pelt.

"What happened," asked Peter as he kneeled beside Abandon. He stretched out a hand gingerly and grazed Abandon's shoulder. As soon as he touched it Abandon launched himself backwards, his eyes widening in terror and pain. "Sorry! Sorry."

"It's dislocated," rasped Abandon as he turned his head and gingerly licked his shoulder before wincing. "Not as bad as your wound but definitely doesn't feel the greatest."

Peter nodded slowly before he looked over to Dr. Conners. "Don't take your anger out on him. It's not worth it."

"How do you know," flashed Peter as he bared his teeth in a snarl. "He killed Zorum!"

"And he killed Sargent Stacey," confessed Peter as he looked over to Dr. Conners through his mask. "However it wasn't him. It was the lizard."

"Same person," spat Abandon as the pain in his shoulder made him irritable. "Anyway I think I better go." The pain was beginning to make him nauseous.

"Are you okay," asked Peter as Abandon began clamber toward the edge of the building as it lay in destruction.

"Yes just tired and in pain," replied Abandon although it wasn't just in his shoulder. It was also in his heart. He missed Zorum more than he could express and he wanted nothing more than to curl up on Peter's bed and fall fast asleep.

"Alright well I'll be back soon," murmured Peter as he turned to Dr. Conners. "As soon as I take this guy where he belongs."

Abandon dipped his head before he spread his wings and took to the air. He tilted his wings and still saw blue ash like things falling from the sky. He avoided them since he didn't know what they could do. He veered to the left and made toward his and Peter's house. He found it easily and fumbled into the window that led into Peter's room.

He flopped onto the bed and rolled onto his back, trying to thrust his shoulder outward so that the pain might ebb. It didn't work as he would have expected. It just made his pain flare up and he knew that someone had to pop his shoulder back into place. He couldn't do it by himself though and the only one that would pop it back in was either Peter or Sheba.

He rolled back on his stomach and let his shoulder hang over the side of the bed. He sighed heavily and licked his lips, trying to push the nausea back down his throat. He kept his eyes fixed on the door, waiting until Peter came back in. This wasn't the first time that Peter had popped his shoulder back into place and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

However Peter didn't look like he was coming home for a while. He gave up waiting up for him that he relaxed his body and slept.

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