Scoldings and Ideas

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Peter heard his uncle's angry call and looked to Abandon. "I know this isn't your fault. You can stay here."

He got up from the bed and began inching toward the door, undoing the lock. Abandon wasn't about to let Peter get all the heat. He trotted up to Peter's side, favoring his injured paw. "I'm with you," he barked hopefully as he wagged his tail.

Peter beamed down on him before he took in a deep breath and stomped down the hallway and to the steps. Abandon followed, trying to keep his head held high but it quickly fell against his chest as he heard the angry voices of Peter's aunt and uncle.

Peter stepped at the bottom of the stairway and looked to his aunt and uncle. "Do you need something," he asked quietly.

Abandon looked up at them, expecting them to say something. Uncle Ben crossed his arms while Aunt May just shook her head gravely. "You didn't tell us you came home early," Aunt May pointed out calmly.

Peter shrugged. "Er no need I didn't feel very well," he lied and Abandon could tell. He was an awful liar.

Uncle Ben drew near. "Did you not feel well because you got into a fight?!"

Abandon took a step back, still favoring his front right paw. He didn't know how they knew but they did and they were furious about it. Abandon gulped and looked back up as he saw disapproval light in his eyes.

"It wasn't a fight," argued Peter as he swiped a hand over his hair. "We just had a disapproval with words and it didn't turn out good."

Aunt May turned to Uncle Ben. "See it was nothing harmful besides they didn't suspend him, he's fine," she assured.

Uncle Ben looked like he wanted to argue but he didn't. "Alright but don't let it happen again, alright?" He pointed at Peter and Peter nodded, stepping backwards slowly. "Yeah, yeah I got it. Never again."

He tromped back up the stairs with Abandon hot on his trail. They padded into his room and Peter shut the door. He sighed and laid back on his bed, feeling his lip. It was not as swollen now so he knew that he couldn't have been punched that hard.

"Thanks for covering for me," barked Abandon as he leaped onto the best and strode toward him.

"What was I going to say," asked Peter with amusement in his eyes. "That the kid took my dog?"

Abandon chuckled before an idea crept into his head. "Hey how about we do something that would be fun for both of us?"

"And what's that," asked Peter as he sat up and looked at Abandon. "Chase our tails?"

Abandon butted his head against Peter's leg. "No! I think that we should teach me how to fly."

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