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About two weeks later Abandon was laying by a picnic table. He hadn't slept well the night before because of his nightmares so he thought he could sleep before Peter came outside during his breaks.

However he was awoken but chanting. He lifted his head and crawled out from beneath the table. He saw that Flash was holding a small boy over a plate of some disgusting cafeteria food. Even Abandon wouldn't eat that slop.

"Eat it! Eat it!"

A group of children chanted for him to eat it and Abandon growled. He pushed forward but saw that Peter had already beat him to it.

"Put him down Flash," Peter urged as he pushed his way through.

Abandon pushed his own way through and stood beside Peter with his shoulders braced. His fur bristled in protection.

"Take a picture of this Peter," called Flash as he kept shoving the boy's face into the disgusting food.

"Don't eat it," Peter told the boy.

"Take the picture, Parker!" Flash seemed to be commanding him and Abandon didn't like that.

"Put him down," ordered Peter about the noise. "Eugene!"

Flash looked up, enraged that Peter had called him by his real name. He threw the boy aside and turned to Peter, rage flickering in his eyes. He then surged forward and punched Peter in the jaw. Peter fell down hard.

"Peter," whimpered Abandon before he surged for Flash. He sunk his teeth into his leg and Flash screeched. The then used his other leg and kicked Abandon right in the face. He fell backwards and cried in agony. He could taste blood in his mouth and nearly choked on it.

"Get up," yelled Flash as he balled his hands into fists.

Peter obeyed and pushed himself to his feet. He was then kicked in the stomach. He coughed and fell down, trying to get back up. Flash kicked him again in the gut and Peter fell down harshly. Flash lashed out at him once more and Peter laid, sprawled out in pain.

Abandon pushed his way to Peter and snarled at Flash, blood dripping from his mouth. Before Flash could attack him Gwen surged in front of Flash. "Flash are we still on after school at my house. Last week you didn't do your homework and you know that your mother wants you to do well on that test. How about getting to class?"

Flash growled to himself before he turned. Sheba looked at Abandon and winked a bit.

Abandon lifted a paw and swiped it against his mouth which was still spewing blood. He turned to Peter. "Are you alright," he asked as he licked his nose once more to clear the blood from his dripping nose.

Peter grunted and sat upward, pain expanding through his whole body. He turned a hand and grabbed his camera. It was broken in more ways than one. He sighed and turned to Abandon with distraught eyes. "Are you okay?"

Abandon nodded and shook his head. "I'm not sure but I'm seeing more colors right now than I've ever seen."

Peter smiled a bit and stood up. He felt as terrible as Abandon but he wasn't amount to admit it. "We better go home," he suggested as he lumbered forward with his skateboard in hand and back pack behind him. Abandon followed and limped. He felt his jaw burning.

Abandon sighed and hung his head. Sometimes he felt like he was on cloud nine but now he felt like he was in the pits of hell, at the mercy of humans once more.

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