Peter's Room

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Peter led Abandon across the hallway to his room. He opened the door and once Abandon was through he closed the door and locked it with what seemed to be a complicated contraption. Abandon didn't ask what it was supposed to do so he just strode forward and navigated through all of the things on the floor.

"It's usually not this messy but I had a lot of homework last night," Peter explained before he sat on his bed and patted the spot beside him. Abandon wiggled his haunches and leaped onto the best beside Peter, still a little damp.

"Did you make that lock by yourself," asked Abandon curiously as he leaned forward, trying to get a better look at it.

Peter nodded and sat back on his bed. "Oh that thing? Yeah it wasn't that hard just took a while."

Abandon was intrigued but he wasn't really sure what to say next. "So what is school?"

Peter laid back on his bed. "Well school in a place where you learn things and you stay there most of the day."

"Do you have to go tomorrow," asked Abandon curiously as he lowered his head and curled into a ball at Peter's feet.

Peter nodded before he grasped his phone and began scrolling through the text messages. "Yeah I have a huge history test," he sighed before he threw his phone and laid back. "Lucky me."

"Could I come," asked Abandon hopefully as he pricked his ears. "I can provide great company."

Peter looked up and raised an eyebrow. "I don't know if dogs are allowed in school," he pointed out. "Besides it won't be much fun for you."

Abandon snorted in amusement. "Fun isn't my top priority, that would be safety and I feel safe with you," he murmured as he pushed his head into Peter's hand.

Peter drew back a bit before he relaxed. "Alright I guess you can come but don't talk to anyone or show your wings. That's the last thing I need is someone questioning what's wrong with you."

Abandon curled his lip. "There is nothing wrong with me," he growled a bit forcefully. "I can't control this."

Peter quickly changed his approach. "Of course that's what I meant," he assured as he scratched Abandon behind the ears. "Just be careful and stay with me."

"I will," promised Abandon as he closed his eyes and curled into a tight ball. He felt like he hadn't slept in ages and the injections were beginning to take full effect. He had no idea what had been injected into him but whatever it was was fighting inside his body, trying to make him better. He didn't want to be superior to everyone else, he wanted to be excepted.

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