Effects Kicking In

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Peter and Abandon strode into Peter's house and Abandon heard Aunt May and Uncle Ben speaking. Peter walked in and Abandon followed, trying to seem as cool as they could muster.

"You're late," Aunt May told Peter with stern eyes.

Peter kissed her cheek. "Yeah I know I'm sorry I had a thing," he confessed before he walked right past his uncle and strode toward the fridge. He opened it and began to shove any food he could find into his mouth.

Abandon gulped. He had never seen Peter act this way and he wasn't sure what had finally snapped now. Was his hormones finally telling him to eat?

"Drunk," asked Aunt May into Uncle Ben's ear.

Uncle Ben crossed his arms and shook his head. "No."

Peter then gasped as he sat Aunt May's meatloaf. He took it out and began to shove it into his face as swiftly as he could. "This is amazing. Your meatloaf tastes so good!"

He then shoved more food into his arms and began padding upstairs. He suddenly dropped some macaroni and cheese but caught it and smiled. "I got it. I got it." He then traveled upstairs but Abandon hung back.

"I think something is wrong," Aunt May told her husband as her eyes turned worried for their nephew.

"Yeah something is definitely wrong," assured Uncle Ben. "No one likes your meatloaf."

Aunt May frowned and turned to him. "Why didn't you tell me you didn't like my meatloaf. I've only been making it for 35 years!"

With that Abandon charged upstairs after Peter. "Peter," he called as he clambered up the stairs and once he was sure Aunt May or Uncle Ben weren't coming up he spread his wings and flew through the hallway. He stopped at Peter's door and clawed at it. "Peter it's me, Abandon. Open up!"

The door opened and Abandon pushed himself in before he locked it again. He turned to see Peter eating unbelievable amounts of food. "That's going to make you sick," Abandon told him as he cringed a bit.

Peter looked to him. "I don't know whats gotten into me. I'm just so hungry," he told Abandon as he shoveled more meatloaf into his mouth. "Want some?"

"Er no you go ahead," offered Abandon before he romped forward and sat on the floor before lashing his tail. "You know maybe you should just get ready for bed. You had a pretty crazy day, now didn't you?"

Peter rolled his eyes before he felt something in the back of his neck. He rushed to his feet and strode toward the bathroom. Abandon stifled a sigh and strode forward with his tail kinked over his back. He howled after Peter but he was already close to the bathroom. Abandon pushed himself in before Peter shut the door.

Peter reached a hand to the back of his neck. "Abandon can you see if there is anything there," he asked.

Abandon nodded. "Sure." He flapped his wings and took to the air. He gingerly took Peter' shirt away from his neck and his eyes widened in shock a bit. "Hey Peter can you give me your hand?"

Peter nodded and reached his hand around his back. Abandon took the hand gingerly in his own paw and placed it on Peter's neck. There was a small hole which looked to be a bite but flowing from it was a long strand of spider webbing.

"What the heck," Peter gasped as his eyes turned to Abandon.

Abandon shook his head madly. "Well don't leave it in there," he snapped at Peter as his tail lashed.

Peter grasped the webbing from the source and suddenly pulled it. He yelped in pain and his face curled into a painful expression. Abandon licked Peter's hand reassuringly but it wasn't working. "Ow," he complained as he looked at the webbing.

"Yeah that looked painful," Abandon agreed as he flew down and blinked his eyes. "What do you think it means."

Peter ran his hand along the back of his neck, feeling for the bite. "I think it means we should get to bed."

Abandon stretched out his wings before he placed them back against his side. He yawned and showed his canines. "Well then I agree. You have school tomorrow and I have a move to make."

Peter looked over his shoulder and smiled a bit. "With Sheba?"

"Who else?" Abandon had tried to lighten the mood and it seemed to have worked. He was pleased and strode after Peter. However that wound and webbing bothered him. What else could be in store?

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