Cooling Off

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Abandon stood at the edge of the roof looking down. He felt heavy and rattled. Anger was coming off of him in waves but the more he sat and relaxed the better he felt. He was beginning to cool down but that didn't mean he wanted to go anywhere near Cruiser.


Abandon growled before he turned his head to see Sheba a few paces away from him. Her pelt was slick against her body and her eyes were gentle as always.

"What do you want," he asked as he laid down and rested his head on his paws.

"I don't want anything," argued Sheba as she stalked forward cautiously. "I just wanted to make sure that you were alright?"

"Do I look okay," he asked as he stretched out one wing. It puffed out a bit and Abandon folded it over his face so that he didn't have to look at the look Sheba was giving him.

"I think you look perfect," she murmured as she lowered her head and poked her nose through one of the wings. She nuzzled his cheek but he pushed her away, not convinced. Sheba looked crestfallen but she just continued trying to make Abandon feel better. "I think you look very handsome like this."

Abandon sat up and spread his other wing which had seemed to grow. He was growing but his wings were growing double his speed. He lifted a paw before he turned it over. With a groan he slid out his talons. They jutted out and Abandon realized he had never seen how long and large they actually were. They were larger and longer than his paw, that was for sure.

"Great Lupus," breathed Sheba as she shook her head to clear it.

"You still think I look handsome," asked Abandon as he turned away from Sheba and stalked back toward the edge of the building. "I didn't tell you all what the humans did when they took me away from my parents."

Sheba blinked her eyes a few times before she sat back on her haunches. She looked at him and nodded slowly, urging him to tell her.

Abandon just sighed and took a talon and ran it through a crevice in the concrete. He then flicked the dust away with another talon. "When they took me they injected me with the DNA of an eagle. They just wanted the super senses so that they could do the same to a human for the military so that they could sense the enemy. However it didn't work right and now I'm half eagle. I have super senses along with wings and talons. I still have some qualities of a wolf but my heart belongs to the sky."

Sheba looked only thoughtful. "It's you and Peter that my dad was talking about, wasn't it," she breathed.

Abandon nodded slowly, wondering how she would take it. He was just praying that she wouldn't tell her father what she had just found out. "You said your heart belongs to the sky?"

Abandon flicked his tail tip. "Yes I did," he murmured as he blinked his eyes slowly.

Sheba suddenly strode forward and touched her nose to his. "What if my heart belongs to you?"

Abandon felt affection surge through him for her and he let out a rumble of enjoyment. "I think that the sky has just been replaced," he murmured as he leaned forward and licked her between the ears.

Sheba smiled before she rested her paws gingerly on Abandon's larger paw. His talons were still sprawled out and he rested his other paw on hers to show that he would protect her no matter what.

"What about your dad," asked Abandon as a small droplet of fear rolled down his face.

Sheba shrugged before she licked his cheek again. "He doesn't have to know. Besides he wouldn't understand. My mom has been dead for years."

Abandon forgot about Sheba's mother. That meant that this was the only girl left in Cruiser's life. He suddenly knew why he must have been so protective of her.

Suddenly he saw something fall from above. He snorted in amusement, knowing it was Peter. "I have to go," he confessed as he touched his nose to her ear. "I'll see you."

With that he spread his wings and took to the sky. Sheba watched him with a bit of longing in her heart. She imagined how cool it would be to fly and feel the wind in her fur. However now she felt on cloud 9 since she had just confessed her feelings to the wolf she had had a crush on for about a year.

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