New Foods and New Questions

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Abandon sat down beside Sheba but he didn't dare look at her since Cruiser was sitting across from both of them. His eyes were still narrowed and Abandon felt as if ants were traveling down his pelt. His throat was dry and he knew if he spoke it would be hoarse and seem rude to Cruiser so he kept his muzzle shut.

Abandon looked over his shoulder and saw Peter at the dinner table. He looked uncomfortable as well and Abandon could cur with him. He had a large fish in front of him with vegetables and potatoes. He never had a meal like this before. It was usually sloppy something or anything he could find in the fridge. They rarely sat down as a group and manners was never a concern.

At the Stacey's though he wouldn't dare eat like he usually did. He had to keep his composure and make sure he didn't get anything on his pelt. He noticed that all of the Stacey's were dressed to impress. Peter looked different than the rest of them and you could definitely tell he wasn't used to formal dinners.

Cruiser suddenly broke the silence with a moan. "Excuse me," he grumbled as he rose to his paws and towered over Abandon. Abandon knew it would be long before he passed Cruiser but for now he felt like an ant. "I'm going to see what's keeping Bornite."

With that he trailed out of the dinning room. Once he was out of hearing distance Abandon turned to Sheba with round eyes. "I can't do this," he hissed as he plastered his ears against his head in terror.

"What's wrong," whispered Sheba as she lowered her head and licked a paw before she drew it over one of her ears.

"I've never eaten something this fancy and I don't want your dad to hate me anymore than he already does," he confessed as he sniffed the fish. "Can you just sink your teeth into it and chew it?"

Sheba laughed lightly. "I suppose you could but that's not a great idea. The scales are very small and you could choke if they get caught in your throat."

Abandon was about to ask another question but before he could Cruiser strode forward with Bornite behind him. The pup looked more wolf than Husky. He was dark gray with light gray hints along with black markings. He had very long legs with an even longer and straight tail, not curly like Cruiser or Sheba's. His eyes were striking blue with a bit of green mixed in. They looked like the sea.

"Sit down," ordered Cruiser in a gruff tone. "You're already late."

"Sorry," apologized Bornite as he sat down next to his father and hung his head. "I didn't realize it was time to eat."

Cruiser nodded in understanding before he turned to Sheba. "Would you like to have the first bite," he offered to his daughter.

Sheba dipped her head before she lifted a claw and sliced it across the fish's flank. It split to reveal very juicy looking meat. Abandon had to lick his chomps to keep saliva from dripping. Sheba leaned her muzzle down and gingerly tore off a strip of meat from a bone. She chewed it and swallowed it before she beamed. "Delicious!"

Bornite and Cruiser then dug in but not like Abandon had expected. They were slow and considerate, not making any noises that normal dogs or wolves did. They took small bites and Abandon felt his talons begin to quiver.

"You can eat some now," whispered Sheba as she leaned forward and looked toward the fish.

Abandon shook his head to clear it, realizing how rude he looked that he wasn't eating like everyone else. Even Peter was trying, failing but trying.

Abandon soon realized that Cruiser and Bornite were looking at him. He felt embarrassment wash over him. He knew that he had to slit the fish to peel the scales from the meat so he didn't swallow them and choke. However he'd need to use his talon claws and he certainly didn't need Cruiser seeing those. He just held his breath and looked over to Sheba.

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